
目前顯示的是 10月, 2023的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 ( We have successfully obtained global accreditation for this software license, allowing us to proceed with market education and training.) - 2023/10/30

We have successfully obtained global accreditation for this software license, allowing us to proceed with market education and training. 我們已成功獲得這個軟體授權的全球認證,使我們能夠進行市場教育和培訓。 這個句子使用了現在完成式 (present perfect tense) 來表達已完成的動作和持續的結果。"have obtained" 表示已經獲得了某個結果,而 "allowing" 則使用現在分詞 (present participle) 表示結果的原因或效果。值得注意的地方是要確保時態一致,以及使用正確的形容詞和動詞形式。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. We are thrilled to announce that our project has been approved by management.  (我們非常高興地宣布我們的專案已被管理層批准。) 2. With the new software upgrade, we can now streamline our production process.  (有了這次軟體的升級,我們現在可以將生產流程更加高效。) 3. The team has been working diligently to meet the deadline.  (團隊一直努力工作以達到截止日期。) 4. Our sales team has successfully closed a deal with a major client.  (我們的銷售團隊成功與一個重要客戶達成交易。) 5. By implementing this new marketing strategy, we expect to boost our sales by 20%.  (透過實施這個新的行銷策略,我們預期將銷售額提升20%。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Fill in the blank: "Our company __________ the official patent for this innova...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Why do you keep making the same mistake? I think you should go back and read the work guidelines again.) - 2023/10/26

Why do you keep making the same mistake? I think you should go back and read the work guidelines again. 為什麼你老是犯一樣的錯誤,我認為你該再去閱讀一下工作守則。 這個句子使用了一個疑問句以表達詢問對方為什麼會重覆犯同樣的錯誤,並提醒對方去閱讀工作守則。在這句話中,主要要注意的地方是要使用適當的動詞時態和句子結構,例如使用現在進行式"making"表示連續的動作,並使用"should"表示建議。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Why are you always late for meetings? It's really unprofessional.  你為什麼總是遲到開會?這樣真的很不專業。 2. Can you please double-check your calculations? We can't afford any mistakes.  可以請你再仔細檢查一下計算嗎?我們不能容忍任何錯誤。 3. I suggest you read the project guidelines before proceeding any further.  我建議你在繼續之前閱讀一下專案指南。 4. It's essential to follow the safety protocols when handling hazardous materials.  處理危險物品時遵守安全規範是非常重要的。 5. Could you provide more clarity and detail in your report? It's not very informative as it is.  你能在報告中提供更清晰和詳細的內容嗎?目前這樣不是很有資訊。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 填空題:____ do you keep making the same mistakes? You should go back and read the work guidelines again. (中文解答:為什麼) 2. 選擇題:Which of the ...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( We have a team building activity planned for tomorrow, are we prepared with backup indoor options in case of bad weather?) - 2023/10/25

We have a team building activity planned for tomorrow, are we prepared with backup indoor options in case of bad weather? 明天我們有一個團隊建設活動計劃,如果天氣不好,我們有準備好的室內備用選項嗎? 這個句子使用了現在進行式的動詞 "have planned",表示這個團隊建設活動已經在計劃中。這句話用 "in case of" 表示考慮到可能發生的情況,並用 "backup indoor options" 表示有備用的室內選項。需要注意的地方是使用 "are we prepared" 提出問題,來引起對方的思考。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. We are organizing a training workshop for our employees, do we have enough training materials prepared?  (我們正在為員工組織一個培訓工作坊,我們有準備足夠的培訓材料嗎?) 2. The conference is scheduled for next week, have we confirmed the availability of the venue?  (會議定於下周舉行,我們確認過場地的可用性了嗎?) 3. Our company is planning a product launch event, have we invited any media representatives?  (我們公司正在計劃一個產品發佈活動,我們有邀請媒體代表嗎?) 4. We have a client meeting tomorrow, have we prepared the presentation slides?  (我們明天有個客戶會議,我們已經準備好演示文稿了嗎?) 5. The team is organizing a company picnic, have we coordinated transportation for all employees?  (團隊正在組織公司野餐...

每日一句商用英文教學 (The excessive amount of food stored in the warehouse has attracted mice. We need to organize the warehouse.) - 2023/10/24

The excessive amount of food stored in the warehouse has attracted mice. We need to organize the warehouse. 倉庫裡面堆放過多的食物吸引了老鼠。我們需要整理倉庫了。 這個句子使用了現在完成式的被動語態。使用被動語態可以強調動作的受事者,也就是老鼠。此外,在這個句子中,使用了副詞 excessive (過多的) 來形容被堆放在倉庫的食物量。要注意的是,這個句子中的品詞和詞性使用正確且一致,符合文法要求。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Our office has become too cluttered with files, and it's time to organize them.  (我們的辦公室因為文件過多而變得雜亂不堪,是時候整理一下了。) 2. The overflowing trash can in the break room is attracting pests. We need to empty it regularly.  (休息室裡溢出的垃圾桶吸引了害蟲。我們需要定期清空它。) 3. The lack of proper storage for supplies is causing chaos in the supply room. We should install shelves to keep everything organized.  (缺乏適當的儲存空間使得物資室一片混亂。我們應該安裝架子將一切整理有序。) 4. The messy workstations are affecting productivity. Let's remind everyone to clean up after themselves.  (混亂的工作站正影響生產力。讓我們提醒每個人在用完後要收拾乾淨。) 5. The chaotic layout of the store makes it difficult for customers to find products. We should rearrange the displays for better navi...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I really can't understand why he would send the confidential information of this product to our competitors.) - 2023/10/23

I really can't understand why he would send the confidential information of this product to our competitors. 😳 我真的不明白他為什麼要將這個產品的機密資料傳送給競爭對手。 😳 這個句子使用了代名詞 "he" 代表某個人,並使用了情態動詞 "would" 表示某件事情的可能性或意願。"confidential" 是修飾詞形容 "information" 的特性。這個句子的主要目的是表達不理解的感情。在寫這樣的句子時,需要注意使用適當的代名詞和情態動詞,也要確保修飾詞和名詞之間的關聯性清晰。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I can't understand why she always arrives late to meetings. (我不明白她為什麼總是遲到會議。) 2. It's difficult to comprehend why they would reject such a lucrative business deal. (很難理解他們為什麼會拒絕這麼一筆有利可圖的生意交易。) 3. We cannot fathom why the project manager made that decision. (我們無法理解為什麼專案經理會做出那樣的決定。) 4. It's beyond my understanding why they hired someone with no relevant experience. (我無法理解他們為何聘請一個沒有相關經驗的人。) 5. I find it perplexing why they would invest in such a risky venture. (我覺得很困惑他們為什麼會投資於一個如此冒險的事業。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 通常考試會怎麼考這個範例,出兩道題目及使用中文解答說明: 1. 題目:Please rewrite the sentence using a different emoticon. 中文解答:請用不同的...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Can we integrate this VR device with our company's services?) - 2023/10/22

Can we integrate this VR device with our company's services? 這款VR裝置是不是可以跟我們公司的服務整合再一起? 這個句子使用了情態動詞 "can" 表示可能性,並且用 "we" 表示我們的公司。句子結構正確,沒有需要特別注意的地方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can we incorporate this virtual reality device into our existing services? 我們能把這款虛擬實境裝置融入我們已有的服務嗎? 2. Is it possible to combine this VR device with our company's offerings? 這款VR裝置能和我們公司的產品整合嗎? 3. Will this VR equipment work seamlessly with our services? 這個VR設備能和我們的服務完美結合嗎? 4. Can this VR device be integrated into our current business model? 這款VR裝置能和我們現有的商業模式整合嗎? 5. Are we able to blend this VR gadget with our company's solutions? 我們可以把這個VR小工具與我們公司的解決方案融合嗎? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 考試通常會要求學生根據給定的情境回答相關問題,例如: 1. What is the main concern of the speaker in the sentence "Can we integrate this VR device with our company's services?"? (問題:這句話中講話者的主要關注點是什麼?) 答案:The main concern of the speaker is integrating the VR device with the company's services. (答案:講話者的主要關注點是將VR裝置與公...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our company's stock price seems to be undervalued by the market in the long term. Should we organize some events to get people's attention?) - 2023/10/21

Our company's stock price seems to be undervalued by the market in the long term. Should we organize some events to get people's attention? 我們公司的股價似乎長期被市場低估,我們是不是該辦一些活動讓大家注意到我們? 這個句子使用了現在完成進行式動詞 "seems to be",表示對現在的狀態和動作的評估。主要意思是公司股價在長期內被市場低估,提出了一種建議:辦一些活動讓大家注意到我們。需要注意的地方是「似乎」這個詞的使用,表示作者的推測,並非確定的事實。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Our sales revenue has been increasing steadily. 我們的銷售收入一直穩步增長。 2. The project team is working on improving efficiency. 專案小組正在努力提高效率。 3. It appears that our competitors are launching a new product. 看起來我們的競爭對手正在推出新產品。 4. The CEO has been promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. CEO一直在推動職場的多元化和融合。 5. We have noticed a decline in customer satisfaction ratings. 我們注意到客戶滿意度評分有所下降。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 根據以下句子,請問我們公司的股價被市場低估了嗎?請用中文解釋。 - Our company's stock price seems to have been undervalued for a long time. 這句話表明了股價長期被低估的情況,因此可以得出公司的股價被市場低估的結論。 2. 請改寫以下句子,使用相同的句型結構但換成另一種情境。 - Our employee productivity seems to have been improving...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our team has made a breakthrough in essential technology, which greatly boosts the company's revenue.) - 2023/10/20

Our team has made a breakthrough in essential technology, which greatly boosts the company's revenue. 我們的團隊在關鍵技術方面有了突破,大大提升了公司的收入。 這個句子使用了現在完成式 (present perfect) ,表示過去發生的動作對現在產生的影響。"has made" 表示團隊的技術突破已經完成,"boosts" 表示這個突破對於公司營收的影響仍在持續。這個句子需要注意的地方是要使用正確的時態與動詞形式。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Our company has successfully launched a new product, which significantly increases our market share.  (我們公司成功推出了一款新產品,大幅增加了我們的市場份額。) 2. The marketing campaign we implemented last month has resulted in a substantial growth in customer engagement.  (我們上個月實施的市場營銷活動導致客戶參與度大幅增長。) 3. We have established a strong partnership with a renowned industry leader, which has opened up new business opportunities for us.  (我們與一家知名的行業領導者建立了牢固的合作夥伴關係,為我們開拓了新的業務機會。) 4. The innovative ideas contributed by our team members have played a pivotal role in improving our company's efficiency.  (我們團隊成員貢獻的創新點子在提升公司效率方面起著關鍵性的作用。) 5. The training program we organized has equipped our employees with th...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Someone is currently using the restroom, please wait outside for a moment.) - 2023/10/19

Someone is currently using the restroom, please wait outside for a moment. 有人正在使用廁所,請在外面稍等片刻 這句話使用現在進行式的動詞 "is currently using",表示動作正在進行中。此外,"please wait outside for a moment" 是一個禮貌的要求,讓對方在外面稍等片刻。需要注意的地方是確保使用禮貌用語並尊重他人隱私。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can you hold on for a second? Someone is using the conference room at the moment.  你能稍等一下嗎?有人正在使用會議室。 2. Sorry, but the printer is currently occupied. Could you print your document later?  不好意思,印表機正在使用中,你可以稍後列印嗎? 3. Excuse me, the elevator is currently in use. Would you mind waiting for the next one?  不好意思,電梯正在使用中,你介意等下一部嗎? 4. We apologize for the inconvenience, the telephone line is currently in use. Can you please call back later?  對不起造成不便,電話線路正在使用中,你可以稍後再打嗎? 5. Attention everyone, the meeting room is currently occupied. Please find an alternative space for your discussion.  各位注意,會議室正在使用中,請另擇地點進行討論。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 考試可能會出類似以下兩道題目: 1. 你正在辦公室裡工作,突然有同事進來向你借筆,你正好正在使用,請你用英文回答他。  - 同事:Excuse me, could I borrow your pen? ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Could you please have a look at our printer? It seems to be broken.) - 2023/10/18

Could you please have a look at our printer? It seems to be broken. 請問您可以幫我們看一下印表機嗎?它好像壞了。 這個句子使用了禮貌詢問的方式,使用了 "Could you please" 的問句結構,表達了請求對方幫忙檢查印表機是否壞了。需要注意的地方是,句子中使用了 "have a look at" 表示 "檢查" 的動作。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can you take a look at our coffee machine? It's not working properly.  (你可以看一下我們的咖啡機嗎?它運作不正常。) 2. Would you mind checking the air conditioning? It doesn't seem to be cooling.  (請問您可以檢查一下冷氣嗎?它好像沒有冷氣。) 3. Is it possible for you to examine the projector? It's not displaying properly.  (請問您可不可以檢查一下投影機?它顯示不正確。) 4. Could you please inspect the scanner? It's not scanning the documents.  (您可以檢查一下掃描器嗎?它沒有掃描文件。) 5. Can you have a look at the phone line? I can't make any calls.  (你可以看一下電話線嗎?我無法打電話。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目一:使用英文詢問一個相似情境,例如:Could you please check the laptop? It won't turn on. 請用中文回答這個問句的意思。 解答:這個問句的意思是請對方檢查筆記型電腦是否無法開機。 題目二:給出一段對話,讓考生根據情境寫出一個請求檢查的句子,例如: A: The microwave in the break room is not heating...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Why are you still trying even though this project has already been declared a failure? ) - 2023/10/17

Why are you still trying even though this project has already been declared a failure?  為什麼這個專案都已經宣告失敗了,妳還是不放棄? 這個句子使用了現在進行式的句型 "is/are + V-ing",表示某個動作正在進行中,以表達對方正在繼續嘗試的狀態。另外,句子中使用了連接詞 "even though" 表示儘管某個條件或情況存在,但對方依然進行某種動作。要注意的地方是在使用連接詞時,句子結構需要正確且連接詞要置於兩個子句之間。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Why are you still attending the meeting even though it is running late? (為什麼即使開會時間晚了你還在參加?) 2. Why did she accept the promotion even though it required her to relocate? (為什麼她接受了升職,即使需要她搬遷?) 3. Why are they investing in the project even though the market conditions are unfavorable?  (為什麼市場條件不利他們還要投資這個專案?) 4. Why are you still supporting this candidate even though their chances of winning are slim?  (為什麼這位候選人勝選機會渺茫你還是支持他?) 5. Why are we continuing with the plan even though it has encountered several setbacks?  (為什麼我們即使遇到多次挫折還要繼續執行這個計畫?) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目1:Rewrite the following sentence using "although" instead of "even though". 原句:Why are you still trying ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (You can go home and rest once you finish your tasks. Let me handle the rest.) - 2023/10/16

You can go home and rest once you finish your tasks. Let me handle the rest. 你忙完可以回家休息了!剩下的讓我來處理。 這個句子使用了情態動詞 "can" 表示"可以",告訴對方可以回家休息。句中使用了連接詞 "once" 表示"一旦",表示只要工作完成,對方就可以回家休息。"Let me handle the rest" 表示將剩下的事情交給自己處理。這樣寫是為了給對方一個可以放心離開的建議,同時表達出自己可以負責處理剩下的工作。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. We can go out for lunch together once we finish this meeting.  我們一旦結束這次會議就可以一起出去吃午餐。 2. Once you are done with your presentation, I will take over and lead the discussion.  當你完成演講後,我會接手並主持討論。 3. You can leave early today since you finished all your deadlines ahead of schedule.  你今天可以提早離開,因為你提前完成了所有的工作期限。 4. Let me handle the paperwork while you focus on the sales presentation.  讓我處理文件工作,你可以專注於銷售演示。 5. Once you finish writing the report, please email it to me for review.  當你完成報告撰寫後,請將其通過電子郵件發給我審查。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目1:根據下列情境,選擇適當的句子。 情境:你的同事已經完成了他的工作,你對他說: A. "You should leave and take a break now." B. "Let's go out for lunch togeth...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I was surprised to find out that she was our first colleague to submit a resignation.) - 2023/10/15

I was surprised to find out that she was our first colleague to submit a resignation. 我很驚訝地發現她是我們第一位提出辭職申請的同事 這句英文是用被動語態來表達"她是我們第一位提出辭職申請的同事",強調的是主詞(她)受到的動作(被提出辭職申請)對她的意義。在這句話中,被動語態的句型為:"subject + verb to be (was) + past participle (surprised) + to-infinitive phrase (to find out that she was our first colleague to submit a resignation)"。這個句子中需要注意的是被動態語態的使用,及動詞"infind out"的適當使用。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. He was chosen as the team leader for the new project.  他被選為新專案的小組長。 2. The proposal was approved by the board of directors.  這份提案被董事會批准了。 3. They were surprised to see him arrive late for the meeting.  他們對於看到他會議遲到感到驚訝。 4. The news was shared with all employees during the company meeting.  這個消息在公司會議期間與所有員工分享。 5. It was decided to delay the product launch until next month.  他們決定將產品推遲到下個月進行發佈。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 考試題目1:將下列句子改為被動語態:She wrote the report last night. 解答:The report was written by her last night. 考試題目2:將下列句子改為主動語態:The email was sent by him thi...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our efforts have catapulted this product to the top of the market in terms of sales, and we should continue to maintain this position.) - 2023/10/14

Our efforts have catapulted this product to the top of the market in terms of sales, and we should continue to maintain this position. 我們的努力已經將這產品的銷售獲得市場佔有率第一,請繼續保持下去。 這個句子使用了現在完成式的句型,表示過去已經完成的動作對現在的影響。使用 "have catapulted" 強調了努力對產品銷售的重要影響,而 "should continue to maintain" 則強調了現在繼續保持的重要性。注意選擇適當的形容詞和詞組,以增加句子的生動度。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Our team's hard work has given us a leg up in the market, and we need to keep pushing forward. (我們團隊的努力為我們在市場上獲得領先地位,我們需要繼續向前推進。) 2. Our relentless efforts have secured our product as a top contender in the market, and we must build on this success. (我們不懈的努力使我們的產品成為市場上的頂尖競爭者,我們必須在這個成功的基礎上進一步發展。) 3. Our dedication to excellence has propelled our product to the forefront, and we should keep up the momentum.  (我們對卓越的奉獻推動了我們的產品走向了前沿,我們應該保持這種勢頭。) 4. Our exceptional performance has put our product on the map, and we should strive to maintain our position.  (我們卓越的表現使我們的產品出名,我們應該努力保持我們的地位。) 5. Our outstanding achievements have made u...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I'm afraid this project might be more complex than we initially thought, so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further.) - 2023/10/13

I'm afraid this project might be more complex than we initially thought, so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further. 恐怕這個專案可能比我們一開始想的還複雜,所以如果我能夠多一些時間深入研究會很有幫助 這個句子使用了"I'm afraid"來表達一種擔憂或不安的情感。句子主要由一個主要子句和一個關聯詞子句組成,主要子句是「this project might be more complex than we initially thought」,表示可能的情況,而關聯詞子句「so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further」則進一步解釋了為什麼需要更多時間。此句也運用了比較細緻的口語化表達,使得句子更加生動。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 舉5個句子相關的用法,並且有中英文對照: 1. I'm concerned about the lack of progress in this project, can we have a meeting to discuss how to move forward? (我對這個專案的進展缺乏信心,我們可以開個會討論如何繼續下去嗎?) 2. It seems like there's a misunderstanding between the team members, let's schedule a team-building activity to address it. (看起來團隊成員之間有些誤解,我們來安排一個團建活動來解決吧。) 3. Given the circumstances, it would be beneficial if we could bring in an external consultant for a fresh perspective. (考慮到情況,如果我們能夠找來一位外部顧問提供新的視角會很有益。) ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Your performance is quite poor, I think you should take a break and go on a vacation to recharge.) - 2023/10/12

Your performance is quite poor, I think you should take a break and go on a vacation to recharge. 你的表現相當差,我認為你應該休假去度假來重新充電。 這個句子使用了形容詞 "poor" 來描述狀態差的情況,並使用了情態動詞 "should" 表達建議和提議。需要注意的是在商用英文中,我們應該用較正式且禮貌的方式表達,避免使用過於直接或傷人的措辭。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Your performance is not up to par, I suggest you take some time off to relax and rejuvenate.  (你的表現不夠好,建議你休假放鬆一下,恢復活力) 2. You seem quite exhausted, maybe it's time for you to take a vacation and unwind.  (你看起來相當疲憊,也許是時候去度個假,放鬆一下) 3. Your current state is quite concerning, I believe a well-deserved vacation will do wonders for you.  (你目前的狀態令人擔憂,我相信一個應得的假期會對你很有好處) 4. I couldn't help but notice that you seem burnt out, how about taking a break and enjoying a vacation?  (我忍不住注意到你看起來筋疲力盡,要不要休息一下,享受個假期呢?) 5. It appears that you're in desperate need of a break, why not plan a vacation and recharge yourself?  (看起來你非常需要休息,不如計劃一趟旅行來恢復活力?) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to ex...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( I have a meeting at 3 o'clock, so I need to finish this report by noon.) - 2023/10/11

I have a meeting at 3 o'clock, so I need to finish this report by noon. 我下午三點有一場會議,所以我需要在中午前完成這份報告 這個句子使用了現在簡單式 (Present Simple) 的動詞形式"have",表示現在或將來的計畫或義務。句子中的時間狀態詞"at 3 o'clock"和"by noon"提供了具體的時間點。需要注意的是,這句話表示的是計劃或義務,所以用的是"need to",而不是"have to"。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. She always arrives early for work. 她總是早到上班。 2. We need to prepare for the presentation tomorrow. 我們需要為明天的簡報做準備。 3. They have a conference call at 10 a.m. 他們上午十點有一個電話會議。 4. He finishes his tasks before leaving the office. 他在離開辦公室前完成了他的任務。 5. The deadline for the project is next Monday. 這個專案的截止日期是下週一。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 考試題目:根據以下圖片描述,回答問題。 圖片描述:一個人手上拿著行程表,上面寫著:"9 a.m. brainstorming meeting"、"11 a.m. client meeting"、"2 p.m. report deadline"。 問題:What does the person need to do before 9 a.m.? 中文解答:這個人需要在早上九點之前完成大腦風暴會議。 2. 考試題目:選擇正確的句子完成對話。 對話: A: What time do we need to submit the propos...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I haven't seen him for several days now, is he sick or something happened?) - 2023/10/10

I haven't seen him for several days now, is he sick or something happened? 我好幾天沒看到他了,他是生病了還是發生甚麼事情了? 這個句子使用現在完成進行式(Present Perfect Progressive)來描述一個持續的狀態,強調「我好幾天沒看到他了」這段時間的連續性。句中使用了 for several days,表示已經持續了幾天。這個句子比較口語化,使用了省略陳述句的方式,並使用了連詞 or 表達兩個可能性。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I have been working on this project for a week and still haven't finished it. (我已經在這個專案上工作了一週,但還沒有完成。) 2. Has he been cheating on his exams? He's been getting really high scores lately. (他一直在作弊嗎?最近他的分數一直很高。) 3. Have they been paying attention in meetings? They always seem distracted. (他們在會議中有注意嗎?他們看起來總是心不在焉。) 4. How long have you been studying English? Your fluency has improved a lot! (你學英文學了多久了?你的流利度已經提升很多了!) 5. She has been living in London for two years now, but she still hasn't visited the famous landmarks. (她現在已經在倫敦住了兩年,但她還沒有參觀過那些著名的地標。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Question: How long have you been waiting for the bus?(你已經等公車多久了?) Answer: I have been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes.(我已經等公車20分鐘了...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our team just delivered the final presentation, and the client loved every minute of it! They're excited to move forward with our proposed marketing campaign and can't wait to see the results.) - 2023/10/09

Our team just delivered the final presentation, and the client loved every minute of it! They're excited to move forward with our proposed marketing campaign and can't wait to see the results.  我們的團隊剛剛完成了最後的報告,客戶對每一個細節都非常喜歡!他們對我們提出的行銷企劃非常興奮,迫不及待地想看到成果。 這句話需要這樣寫是因為表達客戶對於行銷企劃的喜愛程度,強調客戶對報價的期望。要注意的地方是這個句子使用了動詞 "love" 和 "like" 來描述客戶的感受,並且使用了情緒形容詞 "excited" 來強調客戶的興奮感。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. The client was thrilled with our creative ideas and highly praised our marketing strategy.  客戶對我們的創意點子感到非常激動,並且極力稱讚我們的行銷策略。 2. They were impressed by the level of professionalism displayed in our proposal and appreciated the thorough research we conducted.  他們對我們提案中展現的專業水準感到印象深刻,並且對我們所進行的全面研究表示感激。 3. Our marketing campaign struck a chord with the client, and they couldn't help but express their enthusiasm for its potential success.  我們的行銷企劃對客戶產生了共鳴,他們情不自禁地表達對其潛在成功的熱切期待。 4. The client showed great interest in our proposed timeline and looked forward to seein...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I'm not sure if I can attend the meeting next week, but I'll confirm and let you know as soon as possible. Can I get back to you on Monday? ) - 2023/10/08

I'm not sure if I can attend the meeting next week, but I'll confirm and let you know as soon as possible. Can I get back to you on Monday? 我不確定下週是否能參加會議,但我會盡快確認並讓你知道。我可以在星期一回覆你嗎? 這個句子使用了第一人稱代名詞 "I" 表示自己,使用了否定詞 "not" 表達不確定的情態。接著使用了條件句 "if" 來引導後面的內容。句中使用了情態動詞 "can" 表示能力和可能性,並使用 "attend" 表達參加會議的意思。接下來使用了時間狀語 "next week" 表示下週的時間。最後使用了回應詞 "but" 來引導句子的轉折,並以 "confirm and let you know" 表達確認並通知的意思。句子結尾提到星期一,表示在那一天回覆對方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can you please let me know the schedule for next week? 能請你告訴我下週的時間表嗎? 2. I'm not entirely sure if I can meet the deadline, but I'll do my best. 我不完全確定是否能在期限前完成,但我會盡力。 3. Could you provide some more details about the project before I start working on it? 能在我開始工作之前給我一些項目的詳細資料嗎? 4. I have a conflicting appointment at that time, so I might need to reschedule the meeting.  那個時間我有其他約會,所以可能需要重新安排會議。 5. I'll get back to you with the final proposal by the en...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Let's aim to surpass our performance from last year in the fourth quarter and give it our all! ) - 2023/10/07

Let's aim to surpass our performance from last year in the fourth quarter and give it our all! 💪 讓我們在第四季度的業績上超越去年,全力以赴!🚀 這個句子選擇使用 "Let's" 表示一種群體的共同行動,呼籲大家一起合作。使用 "aim to" 表示目標或目標,表達我們的期望和目標。使用 "surpass" 表示超過,強調要比去年的業績更好。最後使用 "give it our all" 表示我們要全力以赴,表達出對工作的投入和努力。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Let's work as a team to achieve higher sales targets for the fourth quarter.  讓我們團隊合作,為第四季度實現更高的銷售目標。 2. We need to outperform our competitors in the fourth quarter and secure a leading position in the market.  我們需要在第四季度超越競爭對手,並在市場上取得領先地位。 3. Together, let's strive to break our own records and set new benchmarks for success.  一起努力,打破自己的紀錄,為成功設定新的標杆。 4. Our goal for the fourth quarter is to surpass last year's performance and make remarkable progress.  我們第四季度的目標是超越去年的表現,取得顯著進展。 5. Let's go the extra mile and exceed expectations in the last quarter of the year.  讓我們在年末這最後一季度,不遺餘力,超越期望。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 考試可能出以下兩道題目: 1. 請用適當的英文表達「...

每日一句商用英文教學 (When you arrive, please give me a call so that I can reserve a parking spot for you.) - 2023/10/06

When you arrive, please give me a call so that I can reserve a parking spot for you. 當你到達時,請給我打個電話,這樣我就可以為你預留一個停車位 這個句子使用了 when 引導的時間狀語從句,表示「當...的時候」。透過這個句型,我們可以連接到另一個事件的發生時機。另外,使用 please give me a call 來表示請對方給我打電話,是比較常見且禮貌的表達方式。在這個句子中,我們使用了一般現在時態(arrive)表示將來的事件。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. "If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me." (如果你有任何問題,歡迎隨時與我聯繫。) 2. "Let's touch base next week and go over the project details." (我們下周碰面,討論一下專案的細節。) 3. "Could you please send me the updated file by tomorrow morning?" (請問你可以在明天早上前給我寄送更新的檔案嗎?) 4. "I'm looking forward to collaborating with you on this project." (我期待與你在這個專案中合作。) 5. "We should schedule a conference call to discuss the agenda for the meeting." (我們應該安排一次電話會議,討論會議的議程。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 在考試中,這個範例可能會出現兩道題目: 題目一: 請翻譯「Let's touch base next week and go over the project details.」。 解答: 讓我們下周碰面,討論一下專案的細節。 題目二: 請用英文回應「Could you please send me the updated file by to...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Did you get a severance package when you were laid off?) - 2023/10/05

Did you get a severance package when you were laid off? 你被解雇時有沒有拿到資遣費? 這句英文句子使用了過去式的「were」及「laid off」來表示過去被解雇的情況。句中提到「資遣費」即severance package,表示雇主在解雇員工時提供的金錢補償。在使用這句句子時,需要注意時態的使用及解雇的方式。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Did you negotiate a higher salary when you accepted the job offer? 你接受工作時有沒有談判更高的薪水? 2. How long is the notice period for resignations in this company? 在這家公司,辭職通知期有多長? 3. Are you satisfied with the benefits package that the company provides? 你對公司提供的福利方案滿意嗎? 4. Have you received any performance-based bonuses this year? 今年你有拿到任何以績效為基礎的獎金嗎? 5. Did you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement when you joined the company? 加入公司時,你有必須簽署保密協議嗎? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 考試題目:Rewrite the sentence using the simple past tense and incorporate an emoji to express surprise or shock: "Were you given any additional compensation when you were terminated?" 解答說明:句子可以重寫為 "Did you receive any extra money when you were fired? 😱",換用了過去式動詞及增加了一個嘴巴張大的表情符號...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Are you available to discuss the proposal? I need to schedule a time with you.) - 2023/10/04

Are you available to discuss the proposal? I need to schedule a time with you. 你有空來討論這個提案嗎?我需要和你約個時間。 這個句子使用了現在簡單式的be動詞"are"和形容詞性的adj副詞"available"來詢問對方的可行性,使用了介系詞"to"來引導動詞不定式短語"discuss the proposal",並使用了情態動詞"need",表示必須執行的行動。要注意的地方是注意使用禮貌和正式的措辭,以及確認對方的行程是否有空檔。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can we arrange a meeting to discuss the project further?  我們可以安排個會議來進一步討論這個專案嗎? 2. I would like to set up a time to go over the budget with you.  我想和你設定個時間來過一遍預算。 3. Are you open to having a quick chat about the new strategy?  你願意快速聊一下新策略嗎? 4. Let's find a convenient time to talk about the upcoming deadline.  讓我們找個方便的時間來討論即將到來的截止日期。 5. Could you spare a moment to discuss the changes in the project timeline?  可以抽空一下來討論專案時間表的更動嗎? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 他們可能會要求你根據給定的情景,撰寫一封郵件或文字消息,提出討論時間的請求,並使用類似的句子結構和措辭。 2. 另外,他們可能會給你一段對話,要求你補充其中缺失的句子,填入合適的要求討論時間的句子。 題目解答說明: 1. 根據給定的情境,寫封郵件向同事請求討論時間,例如一位同事正在忙於其他專案,你需要確保他有空檔時再討論方案。 Dear XXX, I hope this email fi...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Are you available for a meeting next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock?) - 2023/10/03

Are you available for a meeting next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock? 下個星期二下午兩點您有空嗎? 這個句子使用了現在進行式的動詞 "are available" 表示詢問對方目前是否有空。句子結構正確,沒有需要特別注意的地方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can we schedule a meeting for tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock?  我們可以安排明天早上九點的會議嗎? 2. I would like to set up a conference call for Thursday afternoon.  我想安排一場星期四下午的電話會議。 3. Let's meet at the office next week to discuss the project.  我們下週在辦公室見面討論這個專案。 4. Is it possible to arrange a lunch meeting with the client on Friday?  星期五和客戶安排午餐會議可行嗎? 5. Can we reschedule the meeting to next Wednesday due to conflicts in everyone's schedule?  因為大家的時間衝突,我們能把會議改到下星期三嗎? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目1: Please answer the following question based on the given English sentence: Can we schedule a meeting for next Friday morning, say around 10:30? 題目1問題:請問這個句子詢問的時間是在哪個特定時段? 題目1答案:這個句子詢問的時間是在下個星期五的早上。 題目2: Please express the following Chinese sentence in English: 請問您下週五的上午有空嗎? 題目2問題:將該句子翻譯為正確的英文表達。 題目2答案:Ar...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Could we meet again to discuss the project details in more depth?) - 2023/10/02

Could we meet again to discuss the project details in more depth? 我們可否再見面來更深入地討論專案的細節呢? 這句話使用了情態動詞 "could" 表示禮貌地詢問對方是否有可能再次見面討論專案細節。句子中的 "meet again" 表示之前可能已經有一次會議,而 "in more depth" 則表示希望能更深入地討論細節。在商業英文中,謙虛和禮貌的用語非常重要。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can we catch up later to discuss the project details further?  我們可不可以稍後再聚一下,進一步討論專案的細節呢? 2. Let's schedule another meeting to go over the project details in greater detail.  我們來安排另一場會議,更詳細地討論專案的細節吧。 3. How about we meet up again and delve into the project details some more?  我們再見面一次,更深入地探討專案細節怎麼樣? 4. Shall we reconvene to discuss the project details in more depth?  我們重新集合起來,更深入地討論專案的細節好嗎? 5. Can we set up another meeting specifically to address the project details comprehensively?  我們可否安排另一場專門討論專案細節的會議,以全面了解? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目一:將句子改寫成更為直接的表達方式。 英文答案:Can we meet up again soon to discuss the project details thoroughly? 中文解答:我們可否盡快再見面,全面地討論專案的細節呢? 題目二:根據給定情景,選擇最適合的句子來表達。 情景:你與同事正在電話中討論專案,你希望可以再見面討論細節。 ...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( I was wondering if we could have a quick chat tomorrow when you have some time. ) - 2023/10/01

I was wondering if we could have a quick chat tomorrow when you have some time.  我在想明天您有空時,我們是否能夠有一個簡短的聊天呢? 這個句子使用了現在進行式的句型 "I was wondering if...",表示對對方的建議或要求,并帶有禮貌的表達方式。在商業場合中,使用禮貌的口吻是很重要的。此外,這個句子中使用了 "have some time" 的用法,表示尋求對方是否有空。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I was thinking if we could discuss the project over a cup of coffee next week. (我在想下個星期能不能在喝杯咖啡的時候討論一下這個計畫。) 2. Can we schedule a meeting next Tuesday to go over the proposal? (我們能安排下星期二開個會討論一下這份提案嗎?) 3. Would it be possible to meet up next Friday to finalize the details? (下個星期五見面確定一下細節是否可行?) 4. Is there a chance we can catch up on this matter during lunch tomorrow? (明天午餐時有機會討論這件事嗎?) 5. How about we get together sometime this week and brainstorm some ideas? (本週內找個時間坐下來一起發想一些點子怎麼樣?) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 在考試中,這個例句可能會被要求詞匯替換或語序改變。以下為兩道可能的考試題目: 1. 請用 "I was hoping" 這個詞匯替換原例句中的 "I was wondering"。    答案:I was hoping if we could have a quick chat tomorrow when you have some time. 2. 請將原例句改成疑問句。    答案:Are you...