每日一句商用英文教學 (I would like to request permission to book a flight for my upcoming business trip to Shanghai.) - 2023/09/16
I would like to request permission to book a flight for my upcoming business trip to Shanghai. 我想請求許可預訂我即將前往上海的商務旅行航班 這個句子使用了正式的商用英文,以表達出差交通申請的需求。句子結構完整,使用了禮貌詞彙,正確使用了單數的名詞形式。在這個句子中,要注意使用「to + 場所」來表達前往的目的地。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. I need to submit a travel reimbursement form for my recent business trip to New York. (我需要提交一份旅費報銷單,因為我最近出差去紐約。) 2. Could you please approve my request to rent a car for the duration of my business trip to London? (請問你能否批准我租車的請求,以供我在倫敦的商務旅行期間使用?) 3. We are organizing a team-building retreat next month, and I would like to arrange transportation for our employees. (下個月我們將舉辦一場團隊建設活動,我想安排我們的員工交通。) 4. Can I claim mileage reimbursement for the transportation expenses incurred during my business trip to Paris? (我可以申請里程費報銷,用於我在巴黎商務旅行期間的交通費用嗎?) 5. Please let me know if I need to provide any additional documentation for my travel expenses on this business trip to Tokyo. (請告訴我在這次前往東京的商務旅行中,是否需要提供任何額外的文件來證明我的旅費支出。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 題目:請使用英文寫下一句出差申請中要...