
目前顯示的是有「would be」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (I'm afraid this project might be more complex than we initially thought, so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further.) - 2023/10/13

I'm afraid this project might be more complex than we initially thought, so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further. 恐怕這個專案可能比我們一開始想的還複雜,所以如果我能夠多一些時間深入研究會很有幫助 這個句子使用了"I'm afraid"來表達一種擔憂或不安的情感。句子主要由一個主要子句和一個關聯詞子句組成,主要子句是「this project might be more complex than we initially thought」,表示可能的情況,而關聯詞子句「so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further」則進一步解釋了為什麼需要更多時間。此句也運用了比較細緻的口語化表達,使得句子更加生動。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 舉5個句子相關的用法,並且有中英文對照: 1. I'm concerned about the lack of progress in this project, can we have a meeting to discuss how to move forward? (我對這個專案的進展缺乏信心,我們可以開個會討論如何繼續下去嗎?) 2. It seems like there's a misunderstanding between the team members, let's schedule a team-building activity to address it. (看起來團隊成員之間有些誤解,我們來安排一個團建活動來解決吧。) 3. Given the circumstances, it would be beneficial if we could bring in an external consultant for a fresh perspective. (考慮到情況,如果我們能夠找來一位外部顧問提供新的視角會很有益。) ...