
目前顯示的是有「infind out」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (I was surprised to find out that she was our first colleague to submit a resignation.) - 2023/10/15

I was surprised to find out that she was our first colleague to submit a resignation. 我很驚訝地發現她是我們第一位提出辭職申請的同事 這句英文是用被動語態來表達"她是我們第一位提出辭職申請的同事",強調的是主詞(她)受到的動作(被提出辭職申請)對她的意義。在這句話中,被動語態的句型為:"subject + verb to be (was) + past participle (surprised) + to-infinitive phrase (to find out that she was our first colleague to submit a resignation)"。這個句子中需要注意的是被動態語態的使用,及動詞"infind out"的適當使用。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. He was chosen as the team leader for the new project.  他被選為新專案的小組長。 2. The proposal was approved by the board of directors.  這份提案被董事會批准了。 3. They were surprised to see him arrive late for the meeting.  他們對於看到他會議遲到感到驚訝。 4. The news was shared with all employees during the company meeting.  這個消息在公司會議期間與所有員工分享。 5. It was decided to delay the product launch until next month.  他們決定將產品推遲到下個月進行發佈。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 考試題目1:將下列句子改為被動語態:She wrote the report last night. 解答:The report was written by her last night. 考試題目2:將下列句子改為主動語態:The email was sent by him thi...