每日一句商用英文教學 (The team needs someone to take over her responsibilities while she's on maternity leave.) - 2023/09/23

The team needs someone to take over her responsibilities while she's on maternity leave. 🤰 團隊需要有人在她產假期間接手她的職責 這句話使用了現在時態(needs)和一個不定式片語(to take over her responsibilities)來表達需要有人接替女同事的工作。需要注意的地方是,應該確保句子的主詞和動詞的人稱和數量一致。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. Our department is looking for a temporary replacement to cover her duties. 我們部門正在尋找一個臨時代替者來負責她的職務。 2. We need someone who can fill in for her during her absence. 我們需要有人在她缺席期間代替她。 3. Are you willing to step in and handle her workload while she's away? 你願意站出來在她離開期間處理她的工作量嗎? 4. Let's start discussing a transition plan for when our colleague goes on maternity leave. 讓我們開始討論當我們的同事產假時的過渡計劃吧。 5. Can you recommend someone within the company who would be suitable to take on her tasks? 你能否推薦公司內適合接手她的任務的人? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 考試通常會要求學生運用這個例句進行考察,以下是兩道可能的題目: 1. 根據上面提供的例句,請你用自己的話解釋為什麼需要有人接替女同事的工作。 答:因為女同事懷孕了,需要有人在她產假期間接手她的職責,確保工作的順利進行。 2. 請使用中文解釋下列例句的意思:"Can you recommend someone within the company who would be suitable to take...