每日一句商用英文教學 ( I apologize for the delay, but there was a mix-up in my schedule this morning and I couldn't make it to the meeting. Is it possible to wait for me for a while?) - 2023/11/08

I apologize for the delay, but there was a mix-up in my schedule this morning and I couldn't make it to the meeting. Is it possible to wait for me for a while? 對於今天早上行程排錯而無法參加會議,我深感抱歉。能否請您等一下? 這個句子使用了禮貌的語氣,表達了歉意和解釋原因並提出請求。需要注意的地方是要注意使用禮貌用語,表達出合作和尊重的態度。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I'm really sorry, but there was a mistake in the time arrangement and I won't be able to join the conference call. Can we reschedule it? 非常抱歉,時間安排有誤,無法參加電話會議。能否重新安排時間? 2. Unfortunately, I got caught in traffic and I'll be a few minutes late for the meeting. Could you please wait for me? 很不幸,我遇到了交通堵塞,會議我會遲到幾分鐘。能否請您等一下? 3. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I forgot to bring the necessary documents for today's presentation. Can we postpone it to another day? 對於給您帶來的不便,我深感抱歉。但是我忘記帶今天演示所需的文件。能否推遲到另一天? 4. Due to an unexpected emergency, I won't be able to attend the team lunch today. Can we reschedule it for tomorrow? 由於一個意外緊急情況,我無法參加今天的團隊午餐。明天能否安排將它推遲? 5. I'm so sorry, but th...