每日一句商用英文教學 (Could you please handle these tasks while I'm on vacation?) - 2023/09/10
Could you please handle these tasks while I'm on vacation? 當我度假時,你可以幫忙處理這些工作嗎? 這個句子使用了禮貌詞語 "could you please" 來委婉地請求下屬協助處理事務。關鍵詞 "handle" 意指處理或負責,表示主管需要下屬負責交辦事項。在這個句子中,需要注意使用適當的禮貌詞語來表達委託的意思。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. Would you be able to take care of these tasks while I'm away? 當我離開時,你能夠處理這些任務嗎? 2. Can you please assist with these tasks during my vacation? 在我度假期間可以幫忙處理這些任務嗎? 3. I need your help in handling these tasks while I'm on leave. 我需要你在我離開期間幫忙處理這些任務。 4. It would be great if you could handle these tasks for me while I'm on vacation. 如果你能夠在我度假期間替我處理這些任務就太好了。 5. I trust you to take care of these tasks while I'm away. 我相信你會在我離開期間處理好這些任務。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 問題:How would you ask your subordinate to handle tasks while you are on vacation? 解答說明:你將應該使用禮貌詞語來請求下屬在你休假期間處理事項,例如使用 "could you please" 或 "would you be able to"。 2. 問題:What does the phrase "handle these tasks" mean in the given sentence? 解答說明:在這個句子中,"...