
目前顯示的是有「present perfect progressive」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (I haven't seen him for several days now, is he sick or something happened?) - 2023/10/10

I haven't seen him for several days now, is he sick or something happened? 我好幾天沒看到他了,他是生病了還是發生甚麼事情了? 這個句子使用現在完成進行式(Present Perfect Progressive)來描述一個持續的狀態,強調「我好幾天沒看到他了」這段時間的連續性。句中使用了 for several days,表示已經持續了幾天。這個句子比較口語化,使用了省略陳述句的方式,並使用了連詞 or 表達兩個可能性。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I have been working on this project for a week and still haven't finished it. (我已經在這個專案上工作了一週,但還沒有完成。) 2. Has he been cheating on his exams? He's been getting really high scores lately. (他一直在作弊嗎?最近他的分數一直很高。) 3. Have they been paying attention in meetings? They always seem distracted. (他們在會議中有注意嗎?他們看起來總是心不在焉。) 4. How long have you been studying English? Your fluency has improved a lot! (你學英文學了多久了?你的流利度已經提升很多了!) 5. She has been living in London for two years now, but she still hasn't visited the famous landmarks. (她現在已經在倫敦住了兩年,但她還沒有參觀過那些著名的地標。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Question: How long have you been waiting for the bus?(你已經等公車多久了?) Answer: I have been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes.(我已經等公車20分鐘了...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our project is behind schedule because we hit a roadblock when our team leader unexpectedly went on vacation.) - 2023/09/17

Our project is behind schedule because we hit a roadblock when our team leader unexpectedly went on vacation. 我們的專案進度延遲了,因為當我們的團隊隊長突然度假時,我們遇到了一個阻礙 這個句子使用了現在完成進行式 (present perfect progressive) 的時態來描述專案進度的情況,修飾詞 "because" 則連接了兩個子句。需要注意的地方是,"behind schedule" 是商用上常用的詞組,表示進度落後;另外,強調了團隊領導突然度假的情況,以解釋為什麼會遭遇阻礙。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法       1. Our project is running behind due to unexpected delays in the supply chain. (我們的專案進度延遲了,因為供應鏈出現了意外的延遲。) 2. The project timeline has been set back by unanticipated technical difficulties.  (專案的時間表受到了無法預料的技術困難的阻礙。) 3. We fell behind on the project schedule when our key team member fell ill.  (當我們的核心團隊成員生病時,我們在專案進度上落後了。) 4. Our project is lagging behind because we underestimated the amount of work required.  (我們的專案進度落後了,因為我們低估了需要的工作量。) 5. The unexpected change in client requirements set the project back considerably.  (客戶需求的意外變動大大延遲了專案進度。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. You are the project manager and your team is behind schedule due ...