

每日一句商用英文教學 (We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.) - 2023/09/18

We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. 我們總是高估未來兩年會發生的改變,低估了未來十年將發生的改變 這個句子採用現在簡單式的表達方式,使用了一般現在時的動詞:overestimate和underestimate。句子中的 "that will occur" 被用來描述未來可能發生的改變。這個句子的設計是要強調我們對未來兩年的改變有著高估,而對未來十年的改變有著低估的趨勢。在這個句子中,需要注意使用動詞的時態和主詞-動詞的一致性。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法        1. We tend to overestimate how much weight we can lose in the next two months, and underestimate how much we can lose in the next year. (我們總是高估接下來兩個月能減的體重,卻低估了接下來一年可能減的體重。) 2. People often overestimate how quickly they can learn a new language in the next six months, and underestimate how fluent they can become in the next five years. (人們經常高估在接下來六個月能夠學會一門新語言的速度,同時低估了在接下來五年能夠變得流利的程度。) 3. Students frequently overestimate the grades they can achieve in the next semester, and underestimate the impact of consistent effort over the next four years. (學生們常常高估自己在下一學期可以取得的成績,同時低估了在接下來四年中持續努力的效果。) 4. Many individuals overestimate...