每日一句商用英文教學 (Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your company. Could you please let us know the reason why you ultimately chose us to provide the service?) - 2023/11/12

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your company. Could you please let us know the reason why you ultimately chose us to provide the service? 感謝您給予我們為貴公司服務的機會。能否告訴我們您最終選擇我們提供服務的原因? 這句話的用法是為了表達感謝對方給予機會,同時也想了解對方最終選擇我們的原因。需要特別注意的地方是用詞要禮貌且尊重,傳達出真誠的感謝之意。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Could you please provide us with feedback on the service we provided? 能否請您給予我們提供的服務反饋? 2. We appreciate your decision to work with our company. 我們感謝您選擇與我們公司合作。 3. Is there anything else we can do to assist you? 還有其他我們能幫助您的事情嗎? 4. We value the opportunity to collaborate with your team. 我們很重視能夠和您的團隊合作的機會。 5. We understand that you have other options and we are grateful that you chose us. 我們了解您有其他選擇,並且非常感激您選擇我們。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 考試題目:請用英文向客戶表達感謝給予機會的心情,並詢問選擇我們的原因。 範例答案:Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We appreciate your trust in our company. Could you please let us know what made you choose us among the other options? 感謝您給予我們為您服務的機會。我們對貴公司對我們的信...