

每日一句商用英文教學 (I really can't understand why he would send the confidential information of this product to our competitors.) - 2023/10/23

I really can't understand why he would send the confidential information of this product to our competitors. 😳 我真的不明白他為什麼要將這個產品的機密資料傳送給競爭對手。 😳 這個句子使用了代名詞 "he" 代表某個人,並使用了情態動詞 "would" 表示某件事情的可能性或意願。"confidential" 是修飾詞形容 "information" 的特性。這個句子的主要目的是表達不理解的感情。在寫這樣的句子時,需要注意使用適當的代名詞和情態動詞,也要確保修飾詞和名詞之間的關聯性清晰。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I can't understand why she always arrives late to meetings. (我不明白她為什麼總是遲到會議。) 2. It's difficult to comprehend why they would reject such a lucrative business deal. (很難理解他們為什麼會拒絕這麼一筆有利可圖的生意交易。) 3. We cannot fathom why the project manager made that decision. (我們無法理解為什麼專案經理會做出那樣的決定。) 4. It's beyond my understanding why they hired someone with no relevant experience. (我無法理解他們為何聘請一個沒有相關經驗的人。) 5. I find it perplexing why they would invest in such a risky venture. (我覺得很困惑他們為什麼會投資於一個如此冒險的事業。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 通常考試會怎麼考這個範例,出兩道題目及使用中文解答說明: 1. 題目:Please rewrite the sentence using a different emoticon. 中文解答:請用不同的...