每日一句商用英文教學 (I really can't understand why he would send the confidential information of this product to our competitors.) - 2023/10/23

I really can't understand why he would send the confidential information of this product to our competitors. 😳

我真的不明白他為什麼要將這個產品的機密資料傳送給競爭對手。 😳

這個句子使用了代名詞 "he" 代表某個人,並使用了情態動詞 "would" 表示某件事情的可能性或意願。"confidential" 是修飾詞形容 "information" 的特性。這個句子的主要目的是表達不理解的感情。在寫這樣的句子時,需要注意使用適當的代名詞和情態動詞,也要確保修飾詞和名詞之間的關聯性清晰。


1. I can't understand why she always arrives late to meetings.

2. It's difficult to comprehend why they would reject such a lucrative business deal.

3. We cannot fathom why the project manager made that decision.

4. It's beyond my understanding why they hired someone with no relevant experience.

5. I find it perplexing why they would invest in such a risky venture.



1. 題目:Please rewrite the sentence using a different emoticon. 中文解答:請用不同的表情符號重新寫出這句話。

2. 題目:What is another way to express the same confusion in the sentence? 中文解答:以另一種方式表達相同的困惑在這句話中。


這個例句中使用了情態動詞 "would" 表示某件事情的可能性,並且使用了代名詞 "he" 代表某個人。在表達困惑或不理解的情況時,可以使用以下句型:

"I can't understand/ comprehend why + 主詞 + would + 動詞" 或者 "It's + 形容詞 + to + 動詞 + why + 主詞 + would + 動詞" 來表達相同的意思。在創作句子時要注意代名詞與情態動詞的用法,以及修飾詞和名詞之間的一致性。使用表情符號可以增加句子的生動性和情感的表達。



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