每日一句商用英文教學 (Our team's performance has been severely lagging behind. We need to motivate and boost team morale.) - 2023/09/12
Our team's performance has been severely lagging behind. We need to motivate and boost team morale. 我們團隊的業績嚴重落後,我們需要激勵並提升團隊士氣 這個句子使用了現在完成進行式(has been)和形容詞(severely)來形容團隊業績的現況,並以動詞(motivate)和名詞(team morale)來提出解決方案。需要注意的地方是要使用適當的形容詞或副詞來描述業績的情況,以及使用動詞來表達改善的方法。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. Our team's performance has been seriously declining, and it is crucial that we find ways to raise team morale. (我們團隊的業績嚴重下降,我們必須找到提高團隊士氣的方法。) 2. The team is struggling with poor performance, and we need to boost their spirits. (團隊在業績不佳的壓力下努力奮鬥,我們需要鼓舞他們的士氣。) 3. Our team's results have been disappointing, so it is essential that we motivate them to achieve better outcomes. (我們團隊的成績令人失望,所以我們必須激勵他們達到更好的結果。) 4. It is evident that the team is struggling, and it is our responsibility to inspire and uplift them. (很明顯,團隊正在面臨困難,我們有責任激勵和鼓舞他們。) 5. We need to address the team's poor performance and boost their morale to turn things around. (我們需要解決團隊的業績不佳問題,並提高他們的士氣來扭轉局面。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 改錯題:Our team...