

每日一句商用英文教學 (The excessive amount of food stored in the warehouse has attracted mice. We need to organize the warehouse.) - 2023/10/24

The excessive amount of food stored in the warehouse has attracted mice. We need to organize the warehouse. 倉庫裡面堆放過多的食物吸引了老鼠。我們需要整理倉庫了。 這個句子使用了現在完成式的被動語態。使用被動語態可以強調動作的受事者,也就是老鼠。此外,在這個句子中,使用了副詞 excessive (過多的) 來形容被堆放在倉庫的食物量。要注意的是,這個句子中的品詞和詞性使用正確且一致,符合文法要求。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Our office has become too cluttered with files, and it's time to organize them.  (我們的辦公室因為文件過多而變得雜亂不堪,是時候整理一下了。) 2. The overflowing trash can in the break room is attracting pests. We need to empty it regularly.  (休息室裡溢出的垃圾桶吸引了害蟲。我們需要定期清空它。) 3. The lack of proper storage for supplies is causing chaos in the supply room. We should install shelves to keep everything organized.  (缺乏適當的儲存空間使得物資室一片混亂。我們應該安裝架子將一切整理有序。) 4. The messy workstations are affecting productivity. Let's remind everyone to clean up after themselves.  (混亂的工作站正影響生產力。讓我們提醒每個人在用完後要收拾乾淨。) 5. The chaotic layout of the store makes it difficult for customers to find products. We should rearrange the displays for better navi...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I haven't seen him for several days now, is he sick or something happened?) - 2023/10/10

I haven't seen him for several days now, is he sick or something happened? 我好幾天沒看到他了,他是生病了還是發生甚麼事情了? 這個句子使用現在完成進行式(Present Perfect Progressive)來描述一個持續的狀態,強調「我好幾天沒看到他了」這段時間的連續性。句中使用了 for several days,表示已經持續了幾天。這個句子比較口語化,使用了省略陳述句的方式,並使用了連詞 or 表達兩個可能性。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I have been working on this project for a week and still haven't finished it. (我已經在這個專案上工作了一週,但還沒有完成。) 2. Has he been cheating on his exams? He's been getting really high scores lately. (他一直在作弊嗎?最近他的分數一直很高。) 3. Have they been paying attention in meetings? They always seem distracted. (他們在會議中有注意嗎?他們看起來總是心不在焉。) 4. How long have you been studying English? Your fluency has improved a lot! (你學英文學了多久了?你的流利度已經提升很多了!) 5. She has been living in London for two years now, but she still hasn't visited the famous landmarks. (她現在已經在倫敦住了兩年,但她還沒有參觀過那些著名的地標。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Question: How long have you been waiting for the bus?(你已經等公車多久了?) Answer: I have been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes.(我已經等公車20分鐘了...