每日一句商用英文教學 (Our team just delivered the final presentation, and the client loved every minute of it! They're excited to move forward with our proposed marketing campaign and can't wait to see the results.) - 2023/10/09
Our team just delivered the final presentation, and the client loved every minute of it! They're excited to move forward with our proposed marketing campaign and can't wait to see the results. 我們的團隊剛剛完成了最後的報告,客戶對每一個細節都非常喜歡!他們對我們提出的行銷企劃非常興奮,迫不及待地想看到成果。 這句話需要這樣寫是因為表達客戶對於行銷企劃的喜愛程度,強調客戶對報價的期望。要注意的地方是這個句子使用了動詞 "love" 和 "like" 來描述客戶的感受,並且使用了情緒形容詞 "excited" 來強調客戶的興奮感。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. The client was thrilled with our creative ideas and highly praised our marketing strategy. 客戶對我們的創意點子感到非常激動,並且極力稱讚我們的行銷策略。 2. They were impressed by the level of professionalism displayed in our proposal and appreciated the thorough research we conducted. 他們對我們提案中展現的專業水準感到印象深刻,並且對我們所進行的全面研究表示感激。 3. Our marketing campaign struck a chord with the client, and they couldn't help but express their enthusiasm for its potential success. 我們的行銷企劃對客戶產生了共鳴,他們情不自禁地表達對其潛在成功的熱切期待。 4. The client showed great interest in our proposed timeline and looked forward to seein...