
目前顯示的是有「as soon as」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible.) - 2023/09/04

We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible. 我們需要盡快討論專案的截止日期 這個句子使用了一般現在式和情態動詞,表達了一個行動的需要和時間的迫切性。使用 "as soon as possible" 強調了迫切性,意味著我們需要盡快討論專案的截止日期。在這個句子中,需要注意使用動詞 "discuss" 和 "need to" 的正確形式,以及片語 "as soon as possible" 的適當使用。✨ 舉5個句子相關的用法 1. We need to meet the client's demand immediately. (我們需要立即滿足客戶的要求。) 2. The team should finish the report by tomorrow. (團隊應該在明天之前完成報告。) 3. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. (請盡早與我聯繫。) 4. The company requires all employees to attend the training session. (公司要求所有員工參加培訓課程。) 5. I will respond to your email as soon as possible. (我會盡快回覆你的郵件。) 考試可能會出題目如下 1. How would you translate the sentence "We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible" into Chinese? (你會如何將句子「We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible」翻譯成中文?) 答案:我們需要盡快討論專案的截止日期。 2. Fill in the blank: "The team __________ finish the report by tomorrow." (Necessity) (選擇情態動詞填空:「團隊需_...