每日一句商用英文教學 (I had a really productive meeting today, it felt like a breath of fresh air!) - 2023/11/10

I had a really productive meeting today, it felt like a breath of fresh air! 💼 今天開會效果很不錯,感覺就像是呼吸新鮮空氣! ✨ 這個句子使用了 "had" 過去式來描述過去發生的一個具體事件(productive meeting),並加入了形容詞 "really" 和短語 "like a breath of fresh air" 來表達這次會議給人的很好的感覺。需要注意的是,這句話使用了口語化的方式表達,增加了互動性和生活化的感覺。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. My colleagues and I had a great brainstorming session today, it was like a burst of inspiration! 💡 我和同事們今天進行了一場很棒的頭腦風暴,就像是一陣靈感的爆發! 2. Our team worked together seamlessly on the project, it felt like dancing in perfect rhythm! 💃 我們團隊在這個專案上無縫合作,感覺就像是跳著完美節奏的舞蹈! 3. The new office design is so modern and sleek, it makes coming to work a joy! 🏢 新辦公室的設計如此現代和時尚,讓上班變得趣味無窮! 4. The company's team-building activity was a blast, it felt like a day at an amusement park! 🎢 公司的團建活動非常有趣,感覺就像是在遊樂園度過的一天! 5. Closing the deal with the client was such a relief, it felt like a weight off my shoulders! 🤝 完成與客戶的交易真是如釋重負,感覺好像脫下了壓力! 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 問題一:請根據上述提供的句子,將形容...