

每日一句商用英文教學 (I always feel sluggish on Monday mornings. Maybe I should grab a cup of coffee to perk myself up.) - 2023/11/06

I always feel sluggish on Monday mornings. Maybe I should grab a cup of coffee to perk myself up. 每逢周一的早上,我總是感到無精打采。也許我該拿杯咖啡提神一下。 這個句子使用了現在簡單常態動詞 "feel" 表達週一早上總是如此。 "Maybe" 表示可能性,"should" 表示建議或建議。注意使用 "Maybe I should + 動詞原形" 表示對某件事情提出建議的用法。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I need to reply to this urgent email ASAP.  我需要儘快回覆這封緊急的電子郵件。 2. Let's have a team meeting to discuss the project progress.  我們來開個團隊會議討論專案進展。 3. Could you please send me the sales report by the end of the day?  請問你可以在今天結束之前給我寄送銷售報表嗎? 4. We should brainstorm some new ideas for the marketing campaign.  我們應該集思廣益些新的行銷活動點子。 5. The meeting has been rescheduled to next Tuesday.  會議已經改期至下週二。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目1:請翻譯句子 "Could you please send me the sales report by the end of the day?"。 解答:你能否請在今天結束之前給我寄送銷售報表? 題目2:請翻譯句子 "Let's have a team meeting to discuss the project progress."。 解答:我們來開個團隊會議討論專案進展。 總結與貼心小提示 : 在商業英文中,用 "should" 表示建議或建議。例如:You ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Why do you keep making the same mistake? I think you should go back and read the work guidelines again.) - 2023/10/26

Why do you keep making the same mistake? I think you should go back and read the work guidelines again. 為什麼你老是犯一樣的錯誤,我認為你該再去閱讀一下工作守則。 這個句子使用了一個疑問句以表達詢問對方為什麼會重覆犯同樣的錯誤,並提醒對方去閱讀工作守則。在這句話中,主要要注意的地方是要使用適當的動詞時態和句子結構,例如使用現在進行式"making"表示連續的動作,並使用"should"表示建議。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Why are you always late for meetings? It's really unprofessional.  你為什麼總是遲到開會?這樣真的很不專業。 2. Can you please double-check your calculations? We can't afford any mistakes.  可以請你再仔細檢查一下計算嗎?我們不能容忍任何錯誤。 3. I suggest you read the project guidelines before proceeding any further.  我建議你在繼續之前閱讀一下專案指南。 4. It's essential to follow the safety protocols when handling hazardous materials.  處理危險物品時遵守安全規範是非常重要的。 5. Could you provide more clarity and detail in your report? It's not very informative as it is.  你能在報告中提供更清晰和詳細的內容嗎?目前這樣不是很有資訊。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 填空題:____ do you keep making the same mistakes? You should go back and read the work guidelines again. (中文解答:為什麼) 2. 選擇題:Which of the ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Your performance is quite poor, I think you should take a break and go on a vacation to recharge.) - 2023/10/12

Your performance is quite poor, I think you should take a break and go on a vacation to recharge. 你的表現相當差,我認為你應該休假去度假來重新充電。 這個句子使用了形容詞 "poor" 來描述狀態差的情況,並使用了情態動詞 "should" 表達建議和提議。需要注意的是在商用英文中,我們應該用較正式且禮貌的方式表達,避免使用過於直接或傷人的措辭。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Your performance is not up to par, I suggest you take some time off to relax and rejuvenate.  (你的表現不夠好,建議你休假放鬆一下,恢復活力) 2. You seem quite exhausted, maybe it's time for you to take a vacation and unwind.  (你看起來相當疲憊,也許是時候去度個假,放鬆一下) 3. Your current state is quite concerning, I believe a well-deserved vacation will do wonders for you.  (你目前的狀態令人擔憂,我相信一個應得的假期會對你很有好處) 4. I couldn't help but notice that you seem burnt out, how about taking a break and enjoying a vacation?  (我忍不住注意到你看起來筋疲力盡,要不要休息一下,享受個假期呢?) 5. It appears that you're in desperate need of a break, why not plan a vacation and recharge yourself?  (看起來你非常需要休息,不如計劃一趟旅行來恢復活力?) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to ex...