
目前顯示的是有「request assistance」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (I would like to request assistance with a project.) - 2023/09/07

I would like to request assistance with a project. 我想請求協助進行一個專案 這個句子採用了 "I would like to" 表示委婉地表達請求並帶有禮貌。使用 "request assistance" 表示尋求協助,在商業場景中是非常常見的用法。句子結構正確,並沒有特別需要注意的地方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法   1. I am seeking help with a project. (我正在尋求專案的協助。) 2. Can you assist me with this project? (你能協助我處理這個專案嗎?) 3. I need some support for this project. (我需要一些這個專案的支援。) 4. Would you be able to lend a hand with this project? (你可以幫忙處理這個專案嗎?) 5. Could you offer your assistance for this project? (你可以提供你的協助這個專案嗎?) 通常在考試中對於提出請假的表達理解和適當語法應用   通常在考試中,這個範例可能會以問題的形式出現,要求學生根據給定的情境選擇正確的答案或填入適當的單詞。例如: 1. Which of the following sentences is a polite way to request assistance with a project? A. "Help me with this project!" B. "I need your help with a project." C. "Can you lend a hand with this project?" D. "I demand your assistance with this project!" 答案:C 2. Please complete the sentence with the correct word. "I ______ your assistance with this project....