
目前顯示的是有「could you please」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your company. Could you please let us know the reason why you ultimately chose us to provide the service?) - 2023/11/12

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your company. Could you please let us know the reason why you ultimately chose us to provide the service? 感謝您給予我們為貴公司服務的機會。能否告訴我們您最終選擇我們提供服務的原因? 這句話的用法是為了表達感謝對方給予機會,同時也想了解對方最終選擇我們的原因。需要特別注意的地方是用詞要禮貌且尊重,傳達出真誠的感謝之意。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Could you please provide us with feedback on the service we provided?  能否請您給予我們提供的服務反饋? 2. We appreciate your decision to work with our company.  我們感謝您選擇與我們公司合作。 3. Is there anything else we can do to assist you?  還有其他我們能幫助您的事情嗎? 4. We value the opportunity to collaborate with your team.  我們很重視能夠和您的團隊合作的機會。 5. We understand that you have other options and we are grateful that you chose us.  我們了解您有其他選擇,並且非常感激您選擇我們。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 考試題目:請用英文向客戶表達感謝給予機會的心情,並詢問選擇我們的原因。 範例答案:Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We appreciate your trust in our company. Could you please let us know what made you choose us among the other options? 感謝您給予我們為您服務的機會。我們對貴公司對我們的信...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I always feel sluggish on Monday mornings. Maybe I should grab a cup of coffee to perk myself up.) - 2023/11/06

I always feel sluggish on Monday mornings. Maybe I should grab a cup of coffee to perk myself up. 每逢周一的早上,我總是感到無精打采。也許我該拿杯咖啡提神一下。 這個句子使用了現在簡單常態動詞 "feel" 表達週一早上總是如此。 "Maybe" 表示可能性,"should" 表示建議或建議。注意使用 "Maybe I should + 動詞原形" 表示對某件事情提出建議的用法。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I need to reply to this urgent email ASAP.  我需要儘快回覆這封緊急的電子郵件。 2. Let's have a team meeting to discuss the project progress.  我們來開個團隊會議討論專案進展。 3. Could you please send me the sales report by the end of the day?  請問你可以在今天結束之前給我寄送銷售報表嗎? 4. We should brainstorm some new ideas for the marketing campaign.  我們應該集思廣益些新的行銷活動點子。 5. The meeting has been rescheduled to next Tuesday.  會議已經改期至下週二。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目1:請翻譯句子 "Could you please send me the sales report by the end of the day?"。 解答:你能否請在今天結束之前給我寄送銷售報表? 題目2:請翻譯句子 "Let's have a team meeting to discuss the project progress."。 解答:我們來開個團隊會議討論專案進展。 總結與貼心小提示 : 在商業英文中,用 "should" 表示建議或建議。例如:You ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Could you please have a look at our printer? It seems to be broken.) - 2023/10/18

Could you please have a look at our printer? It seems to be broken. 請問您可以幫我們看一下印表機嗎?它好像壞了。 這個句子使用了禮貌詢問的方式,使用了 "Could you please" 的問句結構,表達了請求對方幫忙檢查印表機是否壞了。需要注意的地方是,句子中使用了 "have a look at" 表示 "檢查" 的動作。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can you take a look at our coffee machine? It's not working properly.  (你可以看一下我們的咖啡機嗎?它運作不正常。) 2. Would you mind checking the air conditioning? It doesn't seem to be cooling.  (請問您可以檢查一下冷氣嗎?它好像沒有冷氣。) 3. Is it possible for you to examine the projector? It's not displaying properly.  (請問您可不可以檢查一下投影機?它顯示不正確。) 4. Could you please inspect the scanner? It's not scanning the documents.  (您可以檢查一下掃描器嗎?它沒有掃描文件。) 5. Can you have a look at the phone line? I can't make any calls.  (你可以看一下電話線嗎?我無法打電話。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目一:使用英文詢問一個相似情境,例如:Could you please check the laptop? It won't turn on. 請用中文回答這個問句的意思。 解答:這個問句的意思是請對方檢查筆記型電腦是否無法開機。 題目二:給出一段對話,讓考生根據情境寫出一個請求檢查的句子,例如: A: The microwave in the break room is not heating...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Could you please handle these tasks while I'm on vacation?) - 2023/09/10

Could you please handle these tasks while I'm on vacation? 當我度假時,你可以幫忙處理這些工作嗎? 這個句子使用了禮貌詞語 "could you please" 來委婉地請求下屬協助處理事務。關鍵詞 "handle" 意指處理或負責,表示主管需要下屬負責交辦事項。在這個句子中,需要注意使用適當的禮貌詞語來表達委託的意思。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法     1. Would you be able to take care of these tasks while I'm away? 當我離開時,你能夠處理這些任務嗎? 2. Can you please assist with these tasks during my vacation? 在我度假期間可以幫忙處理這些任務嗎? 3. I need your help in handling these tasks while I'm on leave. 我需要你在我離開期間幫忙處理這些任務。 4. It would be great if you could handle these tasks for me while I'm on vacation. 如果你能夠在我度假期間替我處理這些任務就太好了。 5. I trust you to take care of these tasks while I'm away. 我相信你會在我離開期間處理好這些任務。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. 問題:How would you ask your subordinate to handle tasks while you are on vacation? 解答說明:你將應該使用禮貌詞語來請求下屬在你休假期間處理事項,例如使用 "could you please" 或 "would you be able to"。 2. 問題:What does the phrase "handle these tasks" mean in the given sentence? 解答說明:在這個句子中,"...