每日一句商用英文教學 (We have signed a cooperation agreement with a new supplier for better cost efficiency.) - 2023/09/08
We have signed a cooperation agreement with a new supplier for better cost efficiency. 我們已經與一個新的供應商簽署了合作協議,以獲得更好的成本效益 這個句子使用了現在完成式動詞 "have signed",表示過去完成的動作對現在的影響。使用 "a cooperation agreement" 表示合作協議的單數形式。這種寫法可以讓句子更有流暢感,並且強調合作已經簽署完成。注意到「better cost efficiency」中的形容詞「better」修飾名詞「cost efficiency」。✍️ 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. We are currently negotiating a cooperation agreement with a potential business partner. (我們目前正在與一位潛在的商業夥伴進行合作協議的談判。) 2. The terms of the cooperation agreement include profit sharing and intellectual property rights. (合作協議的條款包括利潤分享和智慧財產權。) 3. It is crucial to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each party in the cooperation agreement. (在合作協議中清楚界定每一方的角色和責任至關重要。) 4. The cooperation agreement will be effective for a period of three years. (合作協議將在三年期內生效。) 5. Both parties have agreed to terminate the cooperation agreement due to unforeseen circumstances. (由於不可預見的情況,雙方已同意終止合作協議。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 題目:What is the tense of the verb in the sentence ...