

每日一句商用英文教學 ( He messed up the deadline for the client's project again, causing us to miss another important opportunity.) - 2023/11/07

He messed up the deadline for the client's project again, causing us to miss another important opportunity. 他又一次搞砸了客戶專案的截止日期,導致我們錯失了另一個重要的機會。 這個句子被寫成這樣是為了強調某人多次搞砸了客戶專案的截止日期,進而導致我們錯失了機會。在這個句子中,需要注意的地方是使用了動詞的過去式 (messed) 和名詞的單數形式 (deadline)。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. They failed to deliver the products on time, which caused a delay in our production schedule.  他們未能按時交付產品,導致我們的生產計劃延誤。 2. The manager made a mistake in calculating the budget, resulting in a shortage of funds.  經理在計算預算時犯了一個錯誤,導致資金短缺。 3. Her negligence in responding to customer inquiries led to a loss of potential sales.  她對顧客詢問的忽視導致潛在銷售損失。 4. The team member overlooked an important detail in the presentation, causing confusion among the audience.  團隊成員在簡報中忽略了一個重要細節,導致觀眾混亂。 5. We missed out on a great opportunity because someone forgot to submit the proposal on time.  因為有人忘記準時提交提案,我們錯失了一個很好的機會。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 根據下列句子選擇正確答案:The sales representative's careless mistake in calculating the profit m...