
目前顯示的是有「our company」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our company offers a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers.) - 2023/09/02

Our company offers a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers. 我們公司提供各種產品以滿足客戶的多樣化需求 這個句子採用了現在時態(offers)來描述公司現在所提供的產品,並使用了形容詞片語(a wide range of products)來強調在產品種類方面的多樣性。需要注意的地方是要注意主詞和動詞的一致性,此處的主詞是"our company",所以動詞要用單數形式的"offers"。 舉 5 個句子相關的用法 1. Our company manufactures high-quality electronic devices. (我們公司製造高品質的電子設備。) 2. The company's sales team is responsible for promoting our products. (公司的銷售團隊負責推廣我們的產品。) 3. We offer a variety of services to meet our customers' needs. (我們提供各種服務以滿足我們客戶的需求。) 4. The new product line has been well-received by customers. (新的產品系列獲得了客戶的好評。) 5. Our company values customer satisfaction above all else. (我們公司最重視客戶的滿意度。) 通常考試會怎麼考這個範例 題目一:請用現在進行式改寫原句。 解答:Our company is currently offering a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers.(我們公司目前正在提供各種產品以滿足客戶的多樣化需求。) 題目二:請將原句改為問句。 解答:Does our company offer a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers?(我們公司是否提...