
目前顯示的是有「severance package」標籤的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (Did you get a severance package when you were laid off?) - 2023/10/05

Did you get a severance package when you were laid off? 你被解雇時有沒有拿到資遣費? 這句英文句子使用了過去式的「were」及「laid off」來表示過去被解雇的情況。句中提到「資遣費」即severance package,表示雇主在解雇員工時提供的金錢補償。在使用這句句子時,需要注意時態的使用及解雇的方式。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Did you negotiate a higher salary when you accepted the job offer? 你接受工作時有沒有談判更高的薪水? 2. How long is the notice period for resignations in this company? 在這家公司,辭職通知期有多長? 3. Are you satisfied with the benefits package that the company provides? 你對公司提供的福利方案滿意嗎? 4. Have you received any performance-based bonuses this year? 今年你有拿到任何以績效為基礎的獎金嗎? 5. Did you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement when you joined the company? 加入公司時,你有必須簽署保密協議嗎? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 考試題目:Rewrite the sentence using the simple past tense and incorporate an emoji to express surprise or shock: "Were you given any additional compensation when you were terminated?" 解答說明:句子可以重寫為 "Did you receive any extra money when you were fired? 😱",換用了過去式動詞及增加了一個嘴巴張大的表情符號...