

每日一句商用英文教學 (Please ensure that all participants arrive on time for the lunch gathering, which will take place in the conference room. ) - 2023/09/09

Please ensure that all participants arrive on time for the lunch gathering, which will take place in the conference room. 🕛 請確保所有參與者都能按時到達中午聚會的會議室 🍽️ 這個句子使用了請求的口吻,並提到了中午聚會的時間和地點,以便確保參與者準時到達。句子結構上主要需要注意的是動詞 "ensure" 需要搭配 "that" 子句,且句子以名詞片語 "for the lunch gathering" 作為受詞,表示中午聚會的目的。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法    1. Please be reminded to attend our lunch gathering at the conference room. 請提醒大家參加我們在會議室舉行的中午聚會。 2. Kindly ensure all participants' presence at the lunch gathering in the conference room. 請確保所有參與者能在會議室出席中午聚會。 3. It is important that everyone arrives on time for the lunch gathering in the conference room. 大家準時出席會議室的中午聚會非常重要。 4. We kindly request all participants to be punctual for the lunch gathering in the conference room. 我們請求所有參與者按時到達會議室的中午聚會。 5. Participants are reminded to arrive on time for the lunch gathering in the conference room. 請提醒參與者按時到達會議室的中午聚會。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Question: How should you communicate the importance of punctuality for the lunch...