每日一句商用英文教學 (I'm not sure if I can attend the meeting next week, but I'll confirm and let you know as soon as possible. Can I get back to you on Monday? ) - 2023/10/08
I'm not sure if I can attend the meeting next week, but I'll confirm and let you know as soon as possible. Can I get back to you on Monday? 我不確定下週是否能參加會議,但我會盡快確認並讓你知道。我可以在星期一回覆你嗎? 這個句子使用了第一人稱代名詞 "I" 表示自己,使用了否定詞 "not" 表達不確定的情態。接著使用了條件句 "if" 來引導後面的內容。句中使用了情態動詞 "can" 表示能力和可能性,並使用 "attend" 表達參加會議的意思。接下來使用了時間狀語 "next week" 表示下週的時間。最後使用了回應詞 "but" 來引導句子的轉折,並以 "confirm and let you know" 表達確認並通知的意思。句子結尾提到星期一,表示在那一天回覆對方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Can you please let me know the schedule for next week? 能請你告訴我下週的時間表嗎? 2. I'm not entirely sure if I can meet the deadline, but I'll do my best. 我不完全確定是否能在期限前完成,但我會盡力。 3. Could you provide some more details about the project before I start working on it? 能在我開始工作之前給我一些項目的詳細資料嗎? 4. I have a conflicting appointment at that time, so I might need to reschedule the meeting. 那個時間我有其他約會,所以可能需要重新安排會議。 5. I'll get back to you with the final proposal by the en...