每日一句商用英文教學 (Let's grab lunch together today! ) - 2023/09/20

Let's grab lunch together today! 🥗


這個句子使用了 "Let's" 表示邀請或建議,後接 "grab lunch together" 表示一起去吃午餐,再加上 "today" 表示今天,最後加上驚嘆號來增加語氣。在這個句子中,需要注意的是 "grab" 這個詞的用法,意指輕鬆、快速地拿取,適用於這種情境下的用餐邀請。


1. How about having lunch together later?

2. Let's go out for lunch today. 


3. What do you feel like having for lunch? 


4. Join us for lunch in the cafeteria. 


5. Shall we try that new restaurant for lunch? 




1. Which of the following sentences is a proper invitation for a lunch gathering?

A. Let's go shopping together after work today!

B. How was your lunch today?

C. Let's grab lunch together today!

D. Do you want to meet up in the evening?

正確答案為 C。這是一個合適的午餐聚會邀請。

2. How can you ask a colleague if they have any lunch preferences?

A. Can I borrow your pen?

B. What's your favorite lunch spot?

C. Do you have any plans for lunch?

D. How was your weekend?

正確答案為 C。這是詢問同事午餐偏好的問題。


這個例句中主要著重於使用 "Let's" 做邀請或建議,並在句子中加入時間指示詞 "today",以及使用 "grab lunch together" 表示一同出去吃午餐。重點提醒要注意選擇合適的用詞和語氣來表達邀請或建議。




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