每日一句商用英文教學 (I'm afraid this project might be more complex than we initially thought, so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further.) - 2023/10/13

I'm afraid this project might be more complex than we initially thought, so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further.


這個句子使用了"I'm afraid"來表達一種擔憂或不安的情感。句子主要由一個主要子句和一個關聯詞子句組成,主要子句是「this project might be more complex than we initially thought」,表示可能的情況,而關聯詞子句「so it would be helpful if I could have some extra time to delve into it further」則進一步解釋了為什麼需要更多時間。此句也運用了比較細緻的口語化表達,使得句子更加生動。



1. I'm concerned about the lack of progress in this project, can we have a meeting to discuss how to move forward?

2. It seems like there's a misunderstanding between the team members, let's schedule a team-building activity to address it.

3. Given the circumstances, it would be beneficial if we could bring in an external consultant for a fresh perspective.

4. I think it's vital that we allocate resources properly to ensure the success of this project.

5. We should brainstorm some innovative ideas to spice up our marketing campaign and make it stand out.(我們應該集思廣益,想出一些創新的點子來為我們的市場活動增加趣味並使之脫穎而出。)



1. 題目:請翻譯這句話:"I think it's crucial that we establish clear guidelines to streamline our workflow."


2. 題目:請將下列句子縮減成直述句:"Given the circumstances, it would be wise if we could adopt a more flexible approach."



這些句子通常在商業場景中使用,表達不同的職場需求和情感。在表達自己的看法或建議時,常用的句型包括虛擬語氣、比較細緻的口語化表達等。重點提醒是要注意適當使用情感詞彙,並在口語化的表達中保持專業度。在翻譯時,要注意英中文化差異,確保意思能準確傳達。可以通過閱讀商業英語資料和練習撰寫相關的句子來提升寫作能力。 😊



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