每日一句商用英文教學 (Someone is currently using the restroom, please wait outside for a moment.) - 2023/10/19

Someone is currently using the restroom, please wait outside for a moment.


這句話使用現在進行式的動詞 "is currently using",表示動作正在進行中。此外,"please wait outside for a moment" 是一個禮貌的要求,讓對方在外面稍等片刻。需要注意的地方是確保使用禮貌用語並尊重他人隱私。


1. Can you hold on for a second? Someone is using the conference room at the moment. 


2. Sorry, but the printer is currently occupied. Could you print your document later? 


3. Excuse me, the elevator is currently in use. Would you mind waiting for the next one? 


4. We apologize for the inconvenience, the telephone line is currently in use. Can you please call back later? 


5. Attention everyone, the meeting room is currently occupied. Please find an alternative space for your discussion. 




1. 你正在辦公室裡工作,突然有同事進來向你借筆,你正好正在使用,請你用英文回答他。 

- 同事:Excuse me, could I borrow your pen? 

- 你:I'm sorry, but I'm currently using it. Can you wait for a moment? 

中文解答說明:在這個情境中,你可以使用 "I'm currently using it." 表示你正在使用筆,並禮貌地請他稍等片刻。

2. 你正在等候朋友在公司門口,有一位陌生人想進入公司大樓,但需要證件登記,請你回答他。 

- 陌生人:Excuse me, I need to enter the building. Where can I register my ID? 

- 你:I'm sorry, but the registration desk is currently closed. Could you come back later? 

中文解答說明:在這個情境中,你可以使用 "the registration desk is currently closed" 表示登記處關閉了,並提議對方稍後再來。





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