
目前顯示的是 9月, 2023的文章

每日一句商用英文教學 (If he has any opinions, we can make slight modifications to the plan.) - 2023/09/30

If he has any opinions, we can make slight modifications to the plan. 如果他有什麼意見,我們還可以對計畫稍加修改 這個句子使用了 "if" 條件句結構,表示在某種條件下,我們可以進行後續動作。句子中使用了現在簡單時態 "has" 表示他目前就有這樣的意見,並且使用了 "can" 表示我們有能力進行稍加修改。這樣的寫法能夠清楚表達我們對他的意見開放,並且願意做出相應的修改。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. If she comes early, we can start the meeting on time.  (如果她早到,我們可以準時開始會議。) 2. If they finish the project by Friday, we can submit it to the client next week.  (如果他們能在星期五前完成這個專案,我們下週就可以提交給客戶。) 3. If we have any questions, we can consult our supervisor for guidance.  (如果我們有任何問題,我們可以請教主管的指導。) 4. If the budget is approved, we can proceed with the next phase of the project.  (如果預算獲得批准,我們可以進行專案的下一階段。) 5. If he accepts the job offer, we can discuss the details of the contract.  (如果他接受工作聘請,我們可以討論合約的細節。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目1:根據以下情境,請用英文表達相對應的建議。 情境:你正在與同事討論專案計畫,其中一位同事提出了一些建議。 回答:If your colleague has any opinions, you can consider incorporating them into the project plan. (如果你的同事有任何意見,你可以考慮將它們納入專案計畫中。) 解答說明:這道題目考...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( I hope our collaboration will thrive and lead to mutual success in the long run.) - 2023/09/29

I hope our collaboration will thrive and lead to mutual success in the long run. 我希望我們的合作能夠蓬勃發展,並長期帶來雙贏的互利 這句句子使用了表達希望的形式,用了動詞 "hope" 連接了兩個子句。在商業英文中,這樣的句型常用於表達合作希望、成功期許等企業間的互動。需注意的地方是要使用適當的詞彙和短語來描述期望的內容,例如 "thrive" 表示蓬勃發展、"mutual success" 表示雙贏。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. I look forward to a fruitful partnership between our companies.  (我期待我們公司之間的豐富合作。) 2. Let's work together to achieve our common goals.  (讓我們共同努力實現我們的共同目標。) 3. Your input and expertise will greatly contribute to the success of our project.  (您的貢獻和專業知識將極大地促成我們項目的成功。) 4. We value the collaboration with your team and believe it will yield great results.  (我們重視與您的團隊的合作,並相信它將獲得巨大成果。) 5. This partnership presents an opportunity for mutual growth and expansion.  (這次合作為雙方的成長和擴展帶來了機會。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目一:請根據以下句子翻譯中文:I hope our collaboration will yield fruitful results for both parties. 回答:我希望我們的合作能對雙方帶來豐碩的成果。 題目二:請使用合適的表達方式翻譯以下句子:Let's work together to create a win-win situation. 回答:...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( I hope we can maintain a good working relationship in the future.) - 2023/09/28

I hope we can maintain a good working relationship in the future. 我希望我們在未來能保持一個良好的合作關係 這句話使用了情態動詞 "hope" 表達希望的意思,並使用 "can" 表示能力或可能性。形容詞 "good" 和 "working" 用來描述合作關係的品質。這句話的寫法簡潔明確,表達出作者對未來合作的期望。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. We should strive to maintain a positive working relationship.  (我們應該努力維持良好的工作關係。) 2. It's important for us to nurture our professional partnership.  (對我們來說,培養職業合作夥伴關係非常重要。) 3. Let's work together to ensure a harmonious collaboration. (讓我們攜手合作,確保合作的和諧。) 4. I look forward to a continued successful partnership with you.  (我期待與您持續成功的合作夥伴關係。) 5. Our cooperation is key to achieving our mutual goals.  (我們的合作對於達成共同目標至關重要。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 試問以下哪個選項最能呼應句子"I hope we can maintain a good working relationship in the future."的意思? A. I don't think we can work together effectively anymore. B. I look forward to collaborating with you in the future. C. We don't need to worry about our professional relation...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Trust Us to Exceed Your Expectations!) - 2023/09/27

We are confident that we can meet all of your needs. 我們相信我們可以滿足您的所有需求 這個句子使用了現在簡單式的被動語態,強調"我們"對於滿足客戶的所有需求的信心。句子的結構相對簡單清晰,沒有太多需要特別注意的地方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. We assure you that we can fulfill all of your requirements. (我們向您保證,我們能夠滿足您的所有需求。) 2. We guarantee that we are capable of meeting all of your needs. (我們保證我們有能力滿足您的所有需求。) 3. Rest assured, we have the confidence to satisfy all of your demands. (請放心,我們有信心滿足您的所有要求。) 4. You can trust us to meet all of your requirements. (您可以相信我們能夠滿足您的所有需求。) 5. Count on us to fulfill all of your needs. (請依賴我們來滿足您的所有需求。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目 1:根據給出的句子,對於客戶需求的滿足,公司表示了什麼樣的信心? 回答:The sentence mentions "we have confidence in meeting all your needs," indicating the company's confidence in fulfilling customer requirements. 題目 2:請列舉至少兩個與句子意思相近的表達方式。 回答:You can utilize sentences such as "We have the capability to meet all your needs" and "We guarantee our ability to satisfy all your requirements" to convey the...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( This one cannot compare with that one.) - 2023/09/26

This one cannot compare with that one. 這個與那個無法相比 這句句子使用了「cannot compare with」這個片語,表示這個物品或事物無法與另一個物品或事物相比。在這個例句中,「This one」代表一個物品,而「that one」則代表另一個物品。注意在比較的詞性上,這句話使用了動詞「compare」和介詞「with」,表示兩個物品之間的比較。另外,也可以使用形容詞或副詞來修飾比較的程度,例如「cannot compare at all」或「cannot compare equally」。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. This car cannot compare with that car in terms of speed. 這輛汽車在速度上無法與那輛汽車相比。 2. Our company's sales performance cannot compare with our competitor's. 我們公司的銷售表現無法與競爭對手相比。 3. The quality of this product cannot compare with that of their product. 這個產品的品質無法與他們的產品相比。 4. The salary in this job cannot compare with the salary in my previous job. 這份工作的薪水無法與我之前的工作相比。 5. Her skills in public speaking cannot compare with his. 她的公開演講技巧無法與他相比。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 在考試中,可以以此例句來測驗學生對於比較的運用和理解。以下是兩種可能的考題: 1. 將「This one cannot compare with that one」翻譯成中文。 答案:這個與那個無法相比。 2. 根據你所了解的「cannot compare with」的意思,句子「His presentation skills cannot compare with hers」想表達什麼意思? 答案:他的演講技巧無...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our company will send someone to attend an AI conference.) - 2023/09/25

Our company will send someone to attend an AI conference. 我們公司將派人出席一場人工智慧研討會 這個句子使用的是主動語態,表達了公司將派遣員工去參加AI研討會的行動。在句中,"send someone" 是主詞部分,"to attend an AI conference" 是不定式片語作為動詞的補語,表示派遣的目的。這個句子中沒有特別需要注意的文法地方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. Our company is planning to send a delegate to the AI conference. (我們公司正在計劃派遣代表去參加這場人工智慧研討會。) 2. They have chosen me as the representative to attend the AI conference. (他們選擇了我作為代表去出席這場人工智慧研討會。) 3. We are organizing a team to participate in the AI conference. (我們正在組織一個團隊參加這場人工智慧研討會。) 4. Our CEO will personally attend the AI conference. (我們的執行長將親自出席這場人工智慧研討會。) 5. We are thrilled to be sending a representative to the prestigious AI conference. (我們非常興奮能夠派遣代表去這個有聲望的人工智慧研討會。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 填空題:Our company _____ someone to attend an AI conference. (選項:send/sent/will send) 答案解析:根據句子時態為一般將來時,我們需要選擇 "will send"。 2. 翻譯題:Translate the following sentence to English: 我們公司將派人出席一場人工智慧研討會。 答案解析:Our company will send someon...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our competitor has gained access to our company's confidential information.) - 2023/09/24

Our competitor has gained access to our company's confidential information. 我們的競爭對手已經取得了我們公司的機密資訊 這句句子使用了現在完成式動詞 "has gained access",表示動作在過去發生且仍然有連結到現在的狀態。這種用法適用於描述已經完成的動作對現在產生的影響,強調結果或狀態的重要性。在這句中,使用了 "has gained access" 來暗示我們公司的機密資訊的泄漏是一個已經發生且對我們公司目前狀態具有重大影響的情況。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法        1. Our design plans were leaked to a rival company, affecting our competitive advantage.  (我們的設計計劃被競爭對手洩露出去,影響了我們的競爭優勢。) 2. The confidential report fell into the wrong hands, jeopardizing our company's reputation.  (機密報告落入錯誤的人手中,危及了我們公司的聲譽。) 3. It has come to our attention that our trade secrets have been unlawfully obtained by a competitor.  (我們注意到我們的商業機密被競爭對手非法獲取了。) 4. The breach of our classified data has caused significant damage to our business operations.  (我們的機密資料遭到破壞,對我們的業務運營造成了重大的損害。) 5. We must take immediate action to prevent further disclosure of our proprietary information. (我們必須立即采取行動,防止我們的專有信息進一步被公開。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:      題目一:請翻譯以下句子 - "O...

每日一句商用英文教學 (The team needs someone to take over her responsibilities while she's on maternity leave.) - 2023/09/23

The team needs someone to take over her responsibilities while she's on maternity leave. 🤰 團隊需要有人在她產假期間接手她的職責 這句話使用了現在時態(needs)和一個不定式片語(to take over her responsibilities)來表達需要有人接替女同事的工作。需要注意的地方是,應該確保句子的主詞和動詞的人稱和數量一致。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法       1. Our department is looking for a temporary replacement to cover her duties. 我們部門正在尋找一個臨時代替者來負責她的職務。 2. We need someone who can fill in for her during her absence. 我們需要有人在她缺席期間代替她。 3. Are you willing to step in and handle her workload while she's away? 你願意站出來在她離開期間處理她的工作量嗎? 4. Let's start discussing a transition plan for when our colleague goes on maternity leave. 讓我們開始討論當我們的同事產假時的過渡計劃吧。 5. Can you recommend someone within the company who would be suitable to take on her tasks? 你能否推薦公司內適合接手她的任務的人? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:     考試通常會要求學生運用這個例句進行考察,以下是兩道可能的題目: 1. 根據上面提供的例句,請你用自己的話解釋為什麼需要有人接替女同事的工作。 答:因為女同事懷孕了,需要有人在她產假期間接手她的職責,確保工作的順利進行。 2. 請使用中文解釋下列例句的意思:"Can you recommend someone within the company who would be suitable to take...

每日一句商用英文教學 (We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the unsatisfactory product received from our website.) - 2023/09/22

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the unsatisfactory product received from our website. 對於因我們網站所收到的不滿意產品所造成的不便,我們深感抱歉 這個句子使用了謝罪的措辭,表達對於顧客不滿意所造成的困擾感到歉意。句中使用了被動語態的結構,突顯了對顧客不滿意狀況的重視。需要注意的是,表達歉意時需要使用適當的客套語氣,並且表達清楚對問題的負責態度。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法      1. We understand your frustration with the product you received and we are committed to resolving the issue promptly. (我們理解您對所收到的產品感到的失望,我們致力於迅速解決此問題。) 2. Our team is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. (我們的團隊致力於確保顧客滿意,對於造成的不便我們深感抱歉。) 3. We take customer feedback seriously and we will investigate the matter to prevent future occurrences. (我們非常重視顧客的反饋,我們將進行調查以防止類似情況再次發生。) 4. Our goal is to provide the best possible experience for our customers, and we apologize for falling short of your expectations. (我們的目標是為顧客提供最佳體驗,對於未能達到您的期望,我們深感抱歉。) 5. We appreciate your feedback and we are committed to making the necessary improvements to prevent similar issues in the futur...

每日一句商用英文教學 (John's carelessness resulted in him being reprimanded by his boss.) - 2023/09/21

John's carelessness resulted in him being reprimanded by his boss. 約翰的粗心導致他被老闆譴責 這個句子使用了一個名詞片語 "John's carelessness" 作為句子的主詞,表示約翰的粗心。動詞 "resulted in" 接著表示這個行為導致了另外一個結果。最後,句子中的 "him being reprimanded by his boss" 是一個分詞短語,表示約翰被他的老闆譴責的情況。在這個句子中,要注意主詞和動詞之間的連接詞的使用。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法           1. The employee's negligence resulted in a serious incident. (該員工的疏忽導致了一次嚴重的事件。) 2. The salesperson's mistake led to a loss of potential customers. (業務員的錯誤導致了潛在客戶的損失。) 3. Due to her oversight, she was penalized by her supervisor. (由於她的疏忽,她受到了主管的處罰。) 4. The manager's error caused a delay in the project. (經理的錯誤導致了項目的延遲。) 5. The team's carelessness resulted in a decrease in productivity. (團隊的粗心導致了生產力的下降。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. 選擇題:What was the result of John's carelessness? (a) He was praised by his boss. (b) He was reprimanded by his boss. (c) He received a promotion. (d) He resigned from his job. 解答:選項 (b),由句子中的 "him being reprimanded by his boss...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Let's grab lunch together today! ) - 2023/09/20

Let's grab lunch together today! 🥗 今天一起去吃午餐吧!🍔 這個句子使用了 "Let's" 表示邀請或建議,後接 "grab lunch together" 表示一起去吃午餐,再加上 "today" 表示今天,最後加上驚嘆號來增加語氣。在這個句子中,需要注意的是 "grab" 這個詞的用法,意指輕鬆、快速地拿取,適用於這種情境下的用餐邀請。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法          1. How about having lunch together later?  一會兒一起去吃午餐怎麼樣? 2. Let's go out for lunch today.  我們今天一起外出吃午餐吧。 3. What do you feel like having for lunch?  你想吃點什麼午餐? 4. Join us for lunch in the cafeteria.  來餐廳和我們一起吃午餐。 5. Shall we try that new restaurant for lunch?  我們午餐去試試那家新餐廳好嗎? 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:    通常考試會以選擇題的形式出題,題目可能如下: 1. Which of the following sentences is a proper invitation for a lunch gathering? A. Let's go shopping together after work today! B. How was your lunch today? C. Let's grab lunch together today! D. Do you want to meet up in the evening? 正確答案為 C。這是一個合適的午餐聚會邀請。 2. How can you ask a colleague if they have any lunch preferences? A. Can I borrow your pen? B. What's your favorite lunch ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our exciting new headphone model is hitting the market next month!) - 2023/09/19

Our exciting new headphone model is hitting the market next month! 我們令人興奮的新款耳機將於下個月上市! 這句話使用了形容詞 "exciting" 來形容新款耳機,並使用 "hitting the market" 來表示即將上市。這樣寫的目的是為了吸引人們的注意並讓他們知道這是一個令人興奮的產品。需要注意的是 "exciting" 和 "hitting" 這兩個詞的用法和發音。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法         1. Our latest headphone model is set to be released next week! 我們最新的耳機款式將於下周發布! 2. Get ready for our upcoming headphone release! 為我們即將推出的耳機做好準備吧! 3. Introducing our cutting-edge headphone design, available soon! 推出我們尖端的耳機設計,即將上市! 4. Don't miss out on our highly anticipated new headphones, launching in a few weeks! 千萬不要錯過我們備受期待的新款耳機,幾週後即將推出! 5. Stay tuned for the release of our groundbreaking headphone technology! 敬請期待我們突破性的耳機技術發布! 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:     題目一:根據下列句子內容,寫出一個相對應的中文翻譯。 "Our highly anticipated wireless earbuds are finally hitting stores!" 參考答案:我們備受期待的無線耳塞終於上市了! 題目二:翻譯下列句子為英文。 "我們即將推出的新耳機款式將帶來嶄新的聽音體驗。" 參考答案:Our upcoming headphone model will bring a brand new listening experi...

每日一句商用英文教學 (We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.) - 2023/09/18

We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. 我們總是高估未來兩年會發生的改變,低估了未來十年將發生的改變 這個句子採用現在簡單式的表達方式,使用了一般現在時的動詞:overestimate和underestimate。句子中的 "that will occur" 被用來描述未來可能發生的改變。這個句子的設計是要強調我們對未來兩年的改變有著高估,而對未來十年的改變有著低估的趨勢。在這個句子中,需要注意使用動詞的時態和主詞-動詞的一致性。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法        1. We tend to overestimate how much weight we can lose in the next two months, and underestimate how much we can lose in the next year. (我們總是高估接下來兩個月能減的體重,卻低估了接下來一年可能減的體重。) 2. People often overestimate how quickly they can learn a new language in the next six months, and underestimate how fluent they can become in the next five years. (人們經常高估在接下來六個月能夠學會一門新語言的速度,同時低估了在接下來五年能夠變得流利的程度。) 3. Students frequently overestimate the grades they can achieve in the next semester, and underestimate the impact of consistent effort over the next four years. (學生們常常高估自己在下一學期可以取得的成績,同時低估了在接下來四年中持續努力的效果。) 4. Many individuals overestimate...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our project is behind schedule because we hit a roadblock when our team leader unexpectedly went on vacation.) - 2023/09/17

Our project is behind schedule because we hit a roadblock when our team leader unexpectedly went on vacation. 我們的專案進度延遲了,因為當我們的團隊隊長突然度假時,我們遇到了一個阻礙 這個句子使用了現在完成進行式 (present perfect progressive) 的時態來描述專案進度的情況,修飾詞 "because" 則連接了兩個子句。需要注意的地方是,"behind schedule" 是商用上常用的詞組,表示進度落後;另外,強調了團隊領導突然度假的情況,以解釋為什麼會遭遇阻礙。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法       1. Our project is running behind due to unexpected delays in the supply chain. (我們的專案進度延遲了,因為供應鏈出現了意外的延遲。) 2. The project timeline has been set back by unanticipated technical difficulties.  (專案的時間表受到了無法預料的技術困難的阻礙。) 3. We fell behind on the project schedule when our key team member fell ill.  (當我們的核心團隊成員生病時,我們在專案進度上落後了。) 4. Our project is lagging behind because we underestimated the amount of work required.  (我們的專案進度落後了,因為我們低估了需要的工作量。) 5. The unexpected change in client requirements set the project back considerably.  (客戶需求的意外變動大大延遲了專案進度。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. You are the project manager and your team is behind schedule due ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I would like to request permission to book a flight for my upcoming business trip to Shanghai.) - 2023/09/16

I would like to request permission to book a flight for my upcoming business trip to Shanghai. 我想請求許可預訂我即將前往上海的商務旅行航班 這個句子使用了正式的商用英文,以表達出差交通申請的需求。句子結構完整,使用了禮貌詞彙,正確使用了單數的名詞形式。在這個句子中,要注意使用「to + 場所」來表達前往的目的地。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法      1. I need to submit a travel reimbursement form for my recent business trip to New York. (我需要提交一份旅費報銷單,因為我最近出差去紐約。) 2. Could you please approve my request to rent a car for the duration of my business trip to London? (請問你能否批准我租車的請求,以供我在倫敦的商務旅行期間使用?) 3. We are organizing a team-building retreat next month, and I would like to arrange transportation for our employees. (下個月我們將舉辦一場團隊建設活動,我想安排我們的員工交通。) 4. Can I claim mileage reimbursement for the transportation expenses incurred during my business trip to Paris? (我可以申請里程費報銷,用於我在巴黎商務旅行期間的交通費用嗎?) 5. Please let me know if I need to provide any additional documentation for my travel expenses on this business trip to Tokyo. (請告訴我在這次前往東京的商務旅行中,是否需要提供任何額外的文件來證明我的旅費支出。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. 題目:請使用英文寫下一句出差申請中要...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I strongly recommend Jane for the promotion, as she has consistently exceeded expectations and demonstrated exceptional leadership skills.) - 2023/09/15

I strongly recommend Jane for the promotion, as she has consistently exceeded expectations and demonstrated exceptional leadership skills. 我強烈推薦 Jane 晉升,因為她一直以來超越預期,並展現出優秀的領導能力 這個句子使用了強調句式 (emphatic sentence) ,強調了對於 Jane 晉升的強烈推薦。另外提到了她的優秀表現和領導能力,以加強推薦的理由。在撰寫類似的商業文件時,重要的是使用正式的語氣和專業的詞彙,同時要注意正確的句式結構和標點符號的使用。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法       1. I believe John is the ideal candidate for promotion due to his outstanding performance and dedication.( 我相信 John 是理想的晉升候選人,因為他表現優秀且非常投入。) 2. Sarah's exceptional skills and ability to handle challenging situations make her a top choice for promotion. (Sarah 卓越的技能和處理困難情況的能力使她成為晉升的首選。) 3. We should seriously consider promoting Tom, as he consistently goes above and beyond in his responsibilities. (我們應該認真考慮提升 Tom,因為他在履行職責方面總是超越預期。) 4. Emily has proven herself to be a valuable asset to the team, and promoting her would greatly benefit the company. (Emily 已經證明自己是團隊的寶貴資產,晉升她將大大有益於公司。) 5. With his exceptional leadership skills and ability to drive r...

每日一句商用英文教學 (We are excited to announce that our company will be organizing an incredible team-building trip to Bali in July! ) - 2023/09/14

We are excited to announce that our company will be organizing an incredible team-building trip to Bali in July! 🌴 我們很興奮地宣布,我們公司將在七月份組織一次令人驚喜的團建之旅,地點是巴厘島! 🌞   這句話使用了 "we are excited to announce" 表達我們對活動感到興奮並宣布的意思。在商業英文中,這樣的表示方式可以讓訊息更生動有趣,同時傳達出公司對員工旅遊的熱衷。需要注意的是,這樣的宣布方式要適時、適地使用,並且避免使用過於褒獎或誇張的字眼。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法      1. We are thrilled to announce our upcoming company retreat in Hawaii! 我們很興奮地宣布即將到來的夏威夷公司退養活動!🌺 2. Join us on a fantastic adventure to explore the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand! 跟我們一起展開一場奇幻冒險,探索紐西蘭美麗的風景!🏔️ 3. Get ready for an unforgettable team-building trip to the stunning beaches of Phuket! 預備好,我們將舉辦一次令人難忘的團建之旅,地點是普吉島的迷人海灘!🏖️ 4. Don't miss out on the opportunity to bond with your colleagues in the vibrant city of Tokyo! 不要錯過在東京這個充滿活力的城市與同事們建立更緊密關係的機會!🏙️ 5. Experience the thrill of a lifetime as we take you on an adrenaline-fueled adventure in the Amazon rainforest! 在亞馬遜雨林進行刺激的冒險之旅中,感受終身難忘的刺激!🌳 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:    通常考試會怎麼考這個範例,出兩道題目及解答說...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our rapidly growing performance requires us to recruit more staff members.) - 2023/09/13

Our rapidly growing performance requires us to recruit more staff members. 🚀 我們迅速成長的業績需要我們招募更多的職員 這個句子使用現在進行式動詞「requires」來強調目前的情況,並使用形容詞「rapidly growing」來形容業績的成長速度。這樣寫可以直接表達出需要聘請更多員工的原因。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法      1. Our company's performance is growing rapidly, so we need to expand our workforce.  (我們公司的業績快速成長,所以我們需要擴大我們的員工團隊。) 2. Due to our significant increase in performance, we are in need of hiring additional employees.  (因為我們業績的大幅增長,我們需要聘請更多的員工。) 3. With the swift growth of our performance, we have a pressing need to recruit more staff members.  (由於我們業績迅速增長,我們急需招募更多的職員。) 4. Our expanding performance demands the recruitment of additional personnel.  (我們不斷擴大的業績要求招募更多的人員。) 5. In order to sustain our accelerating performance growth, we must increase our workforce size.  (為了維持我們不斷加速的業績增長,我們必須增加員工人數。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. Our company's ________ ________ requires us to recruit more staff members. (填空:rapidly growing performance) 解答說明:這個題目考驗學生對形容詞和名詞組...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our team's performance has been severely lagging behind. We need to motivate and boost team morale.) - 2023/09/12

Our team's performance has been severely lagging behind. We need to motivate and boost team morale. 我們團隊的業績嚴重落後,我們需要激勵並提升團隊士氣 這個句子使用了現在完成進行式(has been)和形容詞(severely)來形容團隊業績的現況,並以動詞(motivate)和名詞(team morale)來提出解決方案。需要注意的地方是要使用適當的形容詞或副詞來描述業績的情況,以及使用動詞來表達改善的方法。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法      1. Our team's performance has been seriously declining, and it is crucial that we find ways to raise team morale. (我們團隊的業績嚴重下降,我們必須找到提高團隊士氣的方法。) 2. The team is struggling with poor performance, and we need to boost their spirits. (團隊在業績不佳的壓力下努力奮鬥,我們需要鼓舞他們的士氣。) 3. Our team's results have been disappointing, so it is essential that we motivate them to achieve better outcomes. (我們團隊的成績令人失望,所以我們必須激勵他們達到更好的結果。) 4. It is evident that the team is struggling, and it is our responsibility to inspire and uplift them. (很明顯,團隊正在面臨困難,我們有責任激勵和鼓舞他們。) 5. We need to address the team's poor performance and boost their morale to turn things around. (我們需要解決團隊的業績不佳問題,並提高他們的士氣來扭轉局面。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. 改錯題:Our team...

每日一句商用英文教學 (The customer was dissatisfied with our service.) - 2023/09/11

The customer was dissatisfied with our service. 顧客對我們的服務感到不滿意 這個句子使用了過去式 ("was") 來描述顧客在過去的某個時間點感到不滿意,並且使用了形容詞 ("dissatisfied") 來描述顧客的情感。在文法上,要注意使用正確的時態和形容詞來表達顧客的不滿意。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法     1. The customer expressed their dissatisfaction with our product. (顧客對我們的產品表示不滿) 2. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to the customer. (對於給顧客帶來的不便,我們衷心致歉) 3. Our team is working on resolving the issue to ensure customer satisfaction. (我們的團隊正在解決問題,確保顧客滿意) 4. We appreciate the customer's feedback and will take it into consideration for improvement. (我們感謝顧客的反饋,並將考慮進行改進) 5. Please let us know how we can make it right and regain your trust. (請告訴我們該如何補救,重新贏得您的信任) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. 翻譯題:將「The customer was dissatisfied with our service.」翻譯為中文。 解答說明:顧客對我們的服務感到不滿意。 2. 填空題:選擇正確的單字填入句子中:「The customer __________ with our service.」 解答說明:was dissatisfied 總結與貼心小提示   總結以上內容,當顧客不滿意我們的服務時,我們應該要虛心接受並積極解決問題。感謝顧客的反饋並承諾進行改進,重建顧客的信任是非常重要的。不僅如此,我們也應該將顧客的不滿意視為一個學習機會,不斷提升我們的服務品質,以滿足客戶的需求和...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Could you please handle these tasks while I'm on vacation?) - 2023/09/10

Could you please handle these tasks while I'm on vacation? 當我度假時,你可以幫忙處理這些工作嗎? 這個句子使用了禮貌詞語 "could you please" 來委婉地請求下屬協助處理事務。關鍵詞 "handle" 意指處理或負責,表示主管需要下屬負責交辦事項。在這個句子中,需要注意使用適當的禮貌詞語來表達委託的意思。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法     1. Would you be able to take care of these tasks while I'm away? 當我離開時,你能夠處理這些任務嗎? 2. Can you please assist with these tasks during my vacation? 在我度假期間可以幫忙處理這些任務嗎? 3. I need your help in handling these tasks while I'm on leave. 我需要你在我離開期間幫忙處理這些任務。 4. It would be great if you could handle these tasks for me while I'm on vacation. 如果你能夠在我度假期間替我處理這些任務就太好了。 5. I trust you to take care of these tasks while I'm away. 我相信你會在我離開期間處理好這些任務。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法:   1. 問題:How would you ask your subordinate to handle tasks while you are on vacation? 解答說明:你將應該使用禮貌詞語來請求下屬在你休假期間處理事項,例如使用 "could you please" 或 "would you be able to"。 2. 問題:What does the phrase "handle these tasks" mean in the given sentence? 解答說明:在這個句子中,"...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Please ensure that all participants arrive on time for the lunch gathering, which will take place in the conference room. ) - 2023/09/09

Please ensure that all participants arrive on time for the lunch gathering, which will take place in the conference room. 🕛 請確保所有參與者都能按時到達中午聚會的會議室 🍽️ 這個句子使用了請求的口吻,並提到了中午聚會的時間和地點,以便確保參與者準時到達。句子結構上主要需要注意的是動詞 "ensure" 需要搭配 "that" 子句,且句子以名詞片語 "for the lunch gathering" 作為受詞,表示中午聚會的目的。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法    1. Please be reminded to attend our lunch gathering at the conference room. 請提醒大家參加我們在會議室舉行的中午聚會。 2. Kindly ensure all participants' presence at the lunch gathering in the conference room. 請確保所有參與者能在會議室出席中午聚會。 3. It is important that everyone arrives on time for the lunch gathering in the conference room. 大家準時出席會議室的中午聚會非常重要。 4. We kindly request all participants to be punctual for the lunch gathering in the conference room. 我們請求所有參與者按時到達會議室的中午聚會。 5. Participants are reminded to arrive on time for the lunch gathering in the conference room. 請提醒參與者按時到達會議室的中午聚會。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Question: How should you communicate the importance of punctuality for the lunch...

每日一句商用英文教學 (We have signed a cooperation agreement with a new supplier for better cost efficiency.) - 2023/09/08

We have signed a cooperation agreement with a new supplier for better cost efficiency. 我們已經與一個新的供應商簽署了合作協議,以獲得更好的成本效益 這個句子使用了現在完成式動詞 "have signed",表示過去完成的動作對現在的影響。使用 "a cooperation agreement" 表示合作協議的單數形式。這種寫法可以讓句子更有流暢感,並且強調合作已經簽署完成。注意到「better cost efficiency」中的形容詞「better」修飾名詞「cost efficiency」。✍️ 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法    1. We are currently negotiating a cooperation agreement with a potential business partner. (我們目前正在與一位潛在的商業夥伴進行合作協議的談判。) 2. The terms of the cooperation agreement include profit sharing and intellectual property rights. (合作協議的條款包括利潤分享和智慧財產權。) 3. It is crucial to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each party in the cooperation agreement. (在合作協議中清楚界定每一方的角色和責任至關重要。) 4. The cooperation agreement will be effective for a period of three years. (合作協議將在三年期內生效。) 5. Both parties have agreed to terminate the cooperation agreement due to unforeseen circumstances. (由於不可預見的情況,雙方已同意終止合作協議。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 題目:What is the tense of the verb in the sentence ...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I would like to request assistance with a project.) - 2023/09/07

I would like to request assistance with a project. 我想請求協助進行一個專案 這個句子採用了 "I would like to" 表示委婉地表達請求並帶有禮貌。使用 "request assistance" 表示尋求協助,在商業場景中是非常常見的用法。句子結構正確,並沒有特別需要注意的地方。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法   1. I am seeking help with a project. (我正在尋求專案的協助。) 2. Can you assist me with this project? (你能協助我處理這個專案嗎?) 3. I need some support for this project. (我需要一些這個專案的支援。) 4. Would you be able to lend a hand with this project? (你可以幫忙處理這個專案嗎?) 5. Could you offer your assistance for this project? (你可以提供你的協助這個專案嗎?) 通常在考試中對於提出請假的表達理解和適當語法應用   通常在考試中,這個範例可能會以問題的形式出現,要求學生根據給定的情境選擇正確的答案或填入適當的單詞。例如: 1. Which of the following sentences is a polite way to request assistance with a project? A. "Help me with this project!" B. "I need your help with a project." C. "Can you lend a hand with this project?" D. "I demand your assistance with this project!" 答案:C 2. Please complete the sentence with the correct word. "I ______ your assistance with this project....

每日一句商用英文教學 (I would like to request a day off on Monday, July 10th.) - 2023/09/06

I would like to request a day off on Monday, July 10th. 我想要在7月10日(星期一)請一天假 這個句子是用來表達對於請假的要求。句子中使用了 would like to request 表達出請求的意思,加上具體的日期和請假時間(a day off on Monday, July 10th)。在這個句子中,要注意使用適當的語氣和禮貌表達請求。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 1. May I request a day off next Friday, October 15th? 我可以請求在下個星期五,10月15日請一天假嗎? 2. Could you please grant me a leave of absence on Wednesday, September 22nd? 能否請你於9月22日星期三給我一天休假? 3. I am writing to inform you that I will be taking a personal day off on Thursday, November 4th. 我寫信來通知您我將於11月4日星期四請一天的私人假。 4. I would like to submit a leave request for Friday, December 31st, as I have some personal matters to attend to. 我想要提交12月31日星期五的請假申請,因為我有一些私人事務要處理。 5. I kindly ask for your permission to take a vacation day on Monday, August 2nd. 我謹此請求在8月2日星期一休假的許可。 通常在考試中對於提出請假的表達理解和適當語法應用 考題一: Choose the correct expression to request a day off: A) Can I have a day off on Monday, July 10th? B) I will request a day off on Monday, July 10th. 解答:A) Can I have a day off on Monday, July 10th? 考...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I have scheduled a meeting for tomorrow at 10 AM.) - 2023/09/05

I have scheduled a meeting for tomorrow at 10 AM. 我已經安排了明天上午10點的會議 這個句子使用了現在完成式 (present perfect tense) 來表達已經完成的動作,即安排會議。主詞 "I" 表示第一人稱,動詞 "have scheduled" 是由 "have" 和 "scheduled" 組成的現在完成式。這樣的句子結構常見於商業場合,以表達現在情況或已經完成的事情。需要注意的是,時間表達 "for tomorrow at 10 AM" 表示明天上午10點,需注意使用適當的時間格式。 這個句子相關的用法有 1. I will schedule a meeting for next week at 3 PM. (我將在下週三點安排一場會議。) 2. He had already scheduled a meeting before he left for vacation. (他在休假前已經安排了一場會議。) 3. We have been scheduling meetings regularly to ensure smooth communication. (我們一直定期安排會議以確保順暢的溝通。) 4. They will schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the project progress. (他們將安排一次追蹤會議以討論專案進展。) 5. She has scheduled a meeting with the client to negotiate the contract terms. (她已經安排了一場與客戶談判合約條款的會議。) 通常考試會以填空或改錯的形式考察此句型 1. ________ a meeting for tomorrow at 10 AM. A. I have scheduled B. He has scheduled C. We is scheduling D. You will scheduling 正確答案:A 解答說明:因為句子的主詞是第一人稱 "I",...

每日一句商用英文教學 (We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible.) - 2023/09/04

We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible. 我們需要盡快討論專案的截止日期 這個句子使用了一般現在式和情態動詞,表達了一個行動的需要和時間的迫切性。使用 "as soon as possible" 強調了迫切性,意味著我們需要盡快討論專案的截止日期。在這個句子中,需要注意使用動詞 "discuss" 和 "need to" 的正確形式,以及片語 "as soon as possible" 的適當使用。✨ 舉5個句子相關的用法 1. We need to meet the client's demand immediately. (我們需要立即滿足客戶的要求。) 2. The team should finish the report by tomorrow. (團隊應該在明天之前完成報告。) 3. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. (請盡早與我聯繫。) 4. The company requires all employees to attend the training session. (公司要求所有員工參加培訓課程。) 5. I will respond to your email as soon as possible. (我會盡快回覆你的郵件。) 考試可能會出題目如下 1. How would you translate the sentence "We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible" into Chinese? (你會如何將句子「We need to discuss the project deadline as soon as possible」翻譯成中文?) 答案:我們需要盡快討論專案的截止日期。 2. Fill in the blank: "The team __________ finish the report by tomorrow." (Necessity) (選擇情態動詞填空:「團隊需_...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I would like to inquire about the availability of rooms for next weekend.) - 2023/09/03

I would like to inquire about the availability of rooms for next weekend . 我想詢問下個週末的客房是否有空的 這個句子是用來向對方詢問下個週末的客房是否還有空房的。此句使用了禮貌的方式表達需求,並採用了would like to開頭的禮貌用語。需要注意的是使用了inquire about表示詢問,這是一種正式的表達方式。 舉5個句子相關的用法 1. Can you provide me with more information about your products?  (你可以給我更多關於你們產品的資訊嗎?) 2. I am interested in learning more about your company's services.  (我對你們公司的服務很感興趣) 3. We would appreciate it if you could send us a price quotation.  (如果你能給我們發送一份價格報價,我們將不勝感激) 4. Could you please let me know if there are any job openings in your company?  (你能告訴我你們公司是否有任何職位空缺嗎?) 5. I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss our upcoming project.  (我寫信是想和你約個會面,討論我們即將開展的項目) 通常考試會怎麼考 題目1:請將"I would like to inquire about the availability of rooms for next weekend."改寫成更正式的表達方式。 解答:I would like to inquire regarding the availability of rooms for the upcoming weekend. 題目2:請根據句子"I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss our upcoming project."提供一個適當的回應句。 解答:...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Our company offers a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers.) - 2023/09/02

Our company offers a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers. 我們公司提供各種產品以滿足客戶的多樣化需求 這個句子採用了現在時態(offers)來描述公司現在所提供的產品,並使用了形容詞片語(a wide range of products)來強調在產品種類方面的多樣性。需要注意的地方是要注意主詞和動詞的一致性,此處的主詞是"our company",所以動詞要用單數形式的"offers"。 舉 5 個句子相關的用法 1. Our company manufactures high-quality electronic devices. (我們公司製造高品質的電子設備。) 2. The company's sales team is responsible for promoting our products. (公司的銷售團隊負責推廣我們的產品。) 3. We offer a variety of services to meet our customers' needs. (我們提供各種服務以滿足我們客戶的需求。) 4. The new product line has been well-received by customers. (新的產品系列獲得了客戶的好評。) 5. Our company values customer satisfaction above all else. (我們公司最重視客戶的滿意度。) 通常考試會怎麼考這個範例 題目一:請用現在進行式改寫原句。 解答:Our company is currently offering a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers.(我們公司目前正在提供各種產品以滿足客戶的多樣化需求。) 題目二:請將原句改為問句。 解答:Does our company offer a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of our customers?(我們公司是否提...