每日一句商用英文教學 (I strongly recommend Jane for the promotion, as she has consistently exceeded expectations and demonstrated exceptional leadership skills.) - 2023/09/15

I strongly recommend Jane for the promotion, as she has consistently exceeded expectations and demonstrated exceptional leadership skills.

我強烈推薦 Jane 晉升,因為她一直以來超越預期,並展現出優秀的領導能力

這個句子使用了強調句式 (emphatic sentence) ,強調了對於 Jane 晉升的強烈推薦。另外提到了她的優秀表現和領導能力,以加強推薦的理由。在撰寫類似的商業文件時,重要的是使用正式的語氣和專業的詞彙,同時要注意正確的句式結構和標點符號的使用。


1. I believe John is the ideal candidate for promotion due to his outstanding performance and dedication.(
我相信 John 是理想的晉升候選人,因為他表現優秀且非常投入。)

2. Sarah's exceptional skills and ability to handle challenging situations make her a top choice for promotion.
(Sarah 卓越的技能和處理困難情況的能力使她成為晉升的首選。)

3. We should seriously consider promoting Tom, as he consistently goes above and beyond in his responsibilities.
(我們應該認真考慮提升 Tom,因為他在履行職責方面總是超越預期。)

4. Emily has proven herself to be a valuable asset to the team, and promoting her would greatly benefit the company.
(Emily 已經證明自己是團隊的寶貴資產,晉升她將大大有益於公司。)

5. With his exceptional leadership skills and ability to drive results, Mark is a prime candidate for promotion.
(憑藉他出色的領導能力和帶動成果的能力,Mark 是晉升的理想候選人。)


題目1:Imagine you are a manager in a company and you need to recommend one of your employees for promotion. Write a recommendation letter explaining why you believe the employee deserves the promotion.


題目2:Discuss the importance of considering performance and leadership skills when recommending someone for a promotion in a workplace.



在職場商用英文中,推薦晉升是一個重要且常見的情境。要寫出生活化活潑的句子,可以運用形容詞和副詞,如 outstanding, exceptional, consistently, strongly 等來強調對於候選人的評價和推薦程度。此外,需要注意正確的語法和詞彙使用,以及適當的句式結構和標點符號。在考試或實際應用時,著重在提供具體的例子和證據,並聚焦於候選人的表現、成就和領導能力,以增加推薦的說服力。




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