每日一句商用英文教學 (Why is the company's process for requesting leave always so complicated? Can't we review and improve it?) - 2023/11/05
Why is the company's process for requesting leave always so complicated? Can't we review and improve it?
這個句子使用了「Why」疑問詞來詢問為什麼公司的請假流程總是複雜,並使用「is...so」強調請假流程的複雜性,加上「Can't we」表達出對於可以檢討、改善流程的期盼和不解。在這個句子中,需要注意使用疑問詞「Why」和「Can't」的位置,以及句子的語序。
1. Why is the meeting always scheduled at such an inconvenient time? Can't we find a better time that works for everyone?
2. Why do we have to go through so many approval processes just to order office supplies? Can't we simplify it?
3. Why are the team-building activities always so dull and uninspiring? Can't we come up with something more enjoyable and engaging?
4. Why is the process of submitting expense reports so time-consuming and complicated? Can't we streamline it?
5. Why is the company's dress code so strict and outdated? Can't we modernize it to reflect current trends?
1. 用英文解釋以下中文句子的意思:「為什麼我們的加班政策總是這麼不合理?難道我們不能找出一個更公平合理的解決方案嗎?」
2. 根據下列工作場景,選擇適合的英文句子:
a) "Why is overtime always so chaotic?"
b) "Can't we have a more organized approach to overtime?"
c) "Why are we always facing chaos when it comes to overtime?"
d) "I can't understand why overtime is always such a mess."
本次總結,我們學習到了表達對工作場所現象的不解與期望改善的句型。在這種情境中,使用「Why」疑問詞提問,強調狀況的不合理或困擾,並用「Can't we」對可能的改善或處理方式表達期望。在句子結構上,需要注意疑問詞的位置及語序的掌握。此外,在選擇類似句型的例句時,可以將職場場景和具體情境融入,使得句子更加生活化和互動。