
每日一句商用英文教學 (Confronted with a Mess: How to Clean Up the Chaos She Created?) - 2024/01/08

I don't know how to clean up the mess she made; she's made so many mistakes this time. 這次她犯的錯誤實在太多,我真的不知道怎麼替她善後了。 這個句子使用了 "don't know" 表示不知道,接著使用了 "how to clean up" 表示如何善後,接著以 "the mess she made" 來形容她所造成的混亂。在這個句子中,需要注意的地方是掌握 "how to" 的用法和使用 "don't know" 表達不知道的情況。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I have no idea how to solve this problem; it's way too complicated. (我完全不知道如何解決這個問題;它太複雜了。) 2. She made too many mistakes in her presentation; I don't know how to help her improve. (她在演講中犯了太多錯誤,我不知道該如何幫助她改進。) 3. We are unsure how to proceed with this project; there are too many uncertainties. (我們不確定該如何繼續進行這個專案;有太多的不確定因素。) 4. I'm clueless about how to handle this difficult client; any suggestions? (我對如何應對這個困難的客戶一無所知;有什麼建議嗎?) 5. They have no clue how to fix the malfunctioning machine; it seems beyond repair. (他們不知道該如何修理這台故障的機器;看起來無法修復。) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. Rewriting: She has made too many mistakes this time, and I truly d...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I must seize this opportunity to showcase my skills at the upcoming presentation, or else getting a promotion will become increasingly challenging. ) - 2023/11/13

I must seize this opportunity to showcase my skills at the upcoming presentation, or else getting a promotion will become increasingly challenging. 💪 我必須抓住即將到來的報告機會,展示我的技能,否則獲得升遷將變得越來越困難。 💼 這個句子使用了情態動詞 "must" 表達強烈的必須性,表示自己一定要抓住機會。句子中的 "or else" 表示否則的後果,引起了讀者的注意。需要注意的地方是要使用適當的詞彙和句式來表達自己的意思,使句子更加生動有力。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. It's crucial for us to meet the deadline in order to secure the new project.  為了確保獲得新專案,按時完成是至關重要的 2. We need to collaborate effectively as a team to achieve our sales targets.  我們需要作為一個團隊有效合作,以達成銷售目標 3. She has been consistently exceeding expectations in her performance reviews.  她在績效評估中一直表現優秀,超出了預期 4. It's essential to maintain a positive attitude when facing challenges in the workplace.  在工作場所面臨挑戰時,保持積極的態度是至關重要的 5. The company values employees who take initiative and show leadership qualities.  公司重視那些能夠主動并展示領導才能的員工 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目 1: 請根據下面句子中的情境,選擇一個適當的詞彙填入空格。 "I need to _________ my time management skills if I want...

每日一句商用英文教學 (Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your company. Could you please let us know the reason why you ultimately chose us to provide the service?) - 2023/11/12

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your company. Could you please let us know the reason why you ultimately chose us to provide the service? 感謝您給予我們為貴公司服務的機會。能否告訴我們您最終選擇我們提供服務的原因? 這句話的用法是為了表達感謝對方給予機會,同時也想了解對方最終選擇我們的原因。需要特別注意的地方是用詞要禮貌且尊重,傳達出真誠的感謝之意。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. Could you please provide us with feedback on the service we provided?  能否請您給予我們提供的服務反饋? 2. We appreciate your decision to work with our company.  我們感謝您選擇與我們公司合作。 3. Is there anything else we can do to assist you?  還有其他我們能幫助您的事情嗎? 4. We value the opportunity to collaborate with your team.  我們很重視能夠和您的團隊合作的機會。 5. We understand that you have other options and we are grateful that you chose us.  我們了解您有其他選擇,並且非常感激您選擇我們。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 考試題目:請用英文向客戶表達感謝給予機會的心情,並詢問選擇我們的原因。 範例答案:Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We appreciate your trust in our company. Could you please let us know what made you choose us among the other options? 感謝您給予我們為您服務的機會。我們對貴公司對我們的信...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I can't afford to waste any more time on this project, so let's get our act together and come up with a solution ASAP!) - 2023/11/11

I can't afford to waste any more time on this project, so let's get our act together and come up with a solution ASAP! 我不能再浪費時間在這個專案上,所以我們得齊心協力,盡快想出解決方案! 這個句子使用了一個讓步句式的結構:can't afford to。這表示擔心或無法忍受某事情的發生。句子中還使用了口語化的詞彙和表達方式,增加了句子的生動度。另外,句子中使用了簡化的時間副詞詞組 ASAP (As Soon As Possible),表示迫切需要解決問題。注意在商業英文中要注意使用適當的業界詞彙和用法。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. "We need to pull out all the stops and give this presentation our best shot!"  (我們需要全力以赴,把這個演講做到最好!) 2. "Let's put our heads together and brainstorm some innovative ideas for this new product."  (讓我們共同討論,為這個新產品想出一些創新的點子吧。) 3. "It's high time we streamline our processes and cut down on unnecessary expenses."  (我們早該簡化流程並削減不必要的開支了。) 4. "We're in a tight spot and need to think outside the box to find a solution."  (我們處於困境中,需要跳出框框思考才能找到解決辦法。) 5. "Don't just sit on your hands, take the initiative and make things happen!"  (不要坐以待斃,主動出擊,讓事情發生起來!) 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 題目1:請將以下句子翻譯...

每日一句商用英文教學 (I had a really productive meeting today, it felt like a breath of fresh air!) - 2023/11/10

I had a really productive meeting today, it felt like a breath of fresh air! 💼 今天開會效果很不錯,感覺就像是呼吸新鮮空氣! ✨ 這個句子使用了 "had" 過去式來描述過去發生的一個具體事件(productive meeting),並加入了形容詞 "really" 和短語 "like a breath of fresh air" 來表達這次會議給人的很好的感覺。需要注意的是,這句話使用了口語化的方式表達,增加了互動性和生活化的感覺。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. My colleagues and I had a great brainstorming session today, it was like a burst of inspiration! 💡 我和同事們今天進行了一場很棒的頭腦風暴,就像是一陣靈感的爆發! 2. Our team worked together seamlessly on the project, it felt like dancing in perfect rhythm! 💃 我們團隊在這個專案上無縫合作,感覺就像是跳著完美節奏的舞蹈! 3. The new office design is so modern and sleek, it makes coming to work a joy! 🏢 新辦公室的設計如此現代和時尚,讓上班變得趣味無窮! 4. The company's team-building activity was a blast, it felt like a day at an amusement park! 🎢 公司的團建活動非常有趣,感覺就像是在遊樂園度過的一天! 5. Closing the deal with the client was such a relief, it felt like a weight off my shoulders! 🤝 完成與客戶的交易真是如釋重負,感覺好像脫下了壓力! 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 問題一:請根據上述提供的句子,將形容...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( I apologize for the delay, but there was a mix-up in my schedule this morning and I couldn't make it to the meeting. Is it possible to wait for me for a while?) - 2023/11/08

I apologize for the delay, but there was a mix-up in my schedule this morning and I couldn't make it to the meeting. Is it possible to wait for me for a while? 對於今天早上行程排錯而無法參加會議,我深感抱歉。能否請您等一下? 這個句子使用了禮貌的語氣,表達了歉意和解釋原因並提出請求。需要注意的地方是要注意使用禮貌用語,表達出合作和尊重的態度。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. I'm really sorry, but there was a mistake in the time arrangement and I won't be able to join the conference call. Can we reschedule it? 非常抱歉,時間安排有誤,無法參加電話會議。能否重新安排時間? 2. Unfortunately, I got caught in traffic and I'll be a few minutes late for the meeting. Could you please wait for me? 很不幸,我遇到了交通堵塞,會議我會遲到幾分鐘。能否請您等一下? 3. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I forgot to bring the necessary documents for today's presentation. Can we postpone it to another day? 對於給您帶來的不便,我深感抱歉。但是我忘記帶今天演示所需的文件。能否推遲到另一天? 4. Due to an unexpected emergency, I won't be able to attend the team lunch today. Can we reschedule it for tomorrow? 由於一個意外緊急情況,我無法參加今天的團隊午餐。明天能否安排將它推遲? 5. I'm so sorry, but th...

每日一句商用英文教學 ( He messed up the deadline for the client's project again, causing us to miss another important opportunity.) - 2023/11/07

He messed up the deadline for the client's project again, causing us to miss another important opportunity. 他又一次搞砸了客戶專案的截止日期,導致我們錯失了另一個重要的機會。 這個句子被寫成這樣是為了強調某人多次搞砸了客戶專案的截止日期,進而導致我們錯失了機會。在這個句子中,需要注意的地方是使用了動詞的過去式 (messed) 和名詞的單數形式 (deadline)。 以下是與這個句子相關的五個用法 : 1. They failed to deliver the products on time, which caused a delay in our production schedule.  他們未能按時交付產品,導致我們的生產計劃延誤。 2. The manager made a mistake in calculating the budget, resulting in a shortage of funds.  經理在計算預算時犯了一個錯誤,導致資金短缺。 3. Her negligence in responding to customer inquiries led to a loss of potential sales.  她對顧客詢問的忽視導致潛在銷售損失。 4. The team member overlooked an important detail in the presentation, causing confusion among the audience.  團隊成員在簡報中忽略了一個重要細節,導致觀眾混亂。 5. We missed out on a great opportunity because someone forgot to submit the proposal on time.  因為有人忘記準時提交提案,我們錯失了一個很好的機會。 考試可能會有以下兩種考法: 1. 根據下列句子選擇正確答案:The sales representative's careless mistake in calculating the profit m...